By Moghees Siddique on Saturday, 05 March 2022
Category: Weekly Workouts

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 6th March 2022


Legs - Phase 1
BB squats 10,8,6,4
Leg press 8,10,20,30
BB Walking lunges 10,8,6 (each leg)
BB Stiff leg deadlifts 10,8,6

Phase 2
Gaint sets / 4 sets
Leg extensions 15
Goblet squat 15
Bodyweight jumping lunges 20
90second rest between rounds


Push Day - Phase 1
Flat BB bench press 5x5
Seated DB shoulder press 12,10,8,6
Weighted chest dips 10,8,6,4,
DB Side raises 30,25,20,15
Triceps cable push down 20,15,12,10,8 superset max press ups

Phase 2
1MIN:16 Box overs


Pull Day - Phase 1
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6,4
BB deadlifts 5x5
BB seal rows 12,10,8,6
Preacher bicep curls 15,12,10,8,30 dropset.
Alternating DB bicep curls 4 sets 10 each arm super set with max press ups burn out

Phase 2
Part 1
YGIG 150 cals on the ski erg
Every 60 seconds both perform 10 Pendlay rows
Rest 1min
Part 2
YGIG 150 cals on the ski erg
Every 60 seconds both perform 10 deadlifts @120kg
Rest 1min
Part 3
YGIG 150 cals on the ski erg
Every 60 seconds both perform 10 pull ups


Full body - Phase 1
BB Muscle cleans 6
BB Push press 6
BB Sumo high pull 6
Bar over burpees 12
T2B 14
Wall balls 20

Phase 2
Juicy Quad finisher
Target 250cal run
Every 90 seconds perform 8 Barbell squats @BW


Full body - Phase 1
5km Run
Phase 2
Part 1
120 reps of bench press @BW
Every 45 seconds
4 burpees
4 strict pull ups
Part 2
4 rounds
18 Toes to bar
8 DB hang power clean
8 DB Push press
8 Duel DB snatch
300m Run
(20-25kg DB(20-25kg DB
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