By Super User on Friday, 11 August 2023
Category: Client Of The Month

Client of the Month - Braden StClaire

Congratulations to Braden StClaire, our latest client of the month winner. Before joining us, Braden was overseas working. He wasn’t consistent in the gym and wanted to shift some of his stubborn fat. From the word go, we built out a training plan that he could follow around his busy schedule. This was 3 workouts a week - a mix of push, pull and legs. We created a tailored "healthy eating" nutrition plan that would help steer off hunger and maintain performance in the gym. The result? In 15 weeks, he lost 25 pounds. One area he valued most was accountability, and Neil explaining the WHY behind things.

“Braden showed a level of discipline to get the results he’s got. This isn’t easy so a massive well done to my client as his hard work paid off to get elite results. Braden checks in every week, makes progress and adheres to the program when changes are made. This is why he’s got the results and completed phase 1” – Coach Neil

Take a look below at our Q&A with our well-deserved award winner.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

February 2023

Why did you join Physique Academy?

Because I had just wrapped up a year traveling and struggled to find any consistency in the gym during that time. I knew that I needed a better understanding of nutrition and decided to work with a personal trainer for the first time. I found PA on Instagram and was impressed by their transformations…after my intro call with Neil, I was sold.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I’m in the best shape I’ve been in since college (15 years ago) Personally – I’ve developed a solid understanding of the importance of nutrition and how it goes hand in hand with results in the gym. I’m also much more disciplined in all aspects of my life and have much more energy throughout the day than I did before.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

My ultimate fitness goal is to maintain the habits I’ve developed for the rest of my life. I want to live a healthy and active lifestyle and PA has set me up to do this.

In what other areas of your life has Physique Academy helped you improve?

PA has helped me cut back on alcohol greatly. I think it’s also had a positive impact on my professional life with being disciplined in my approach to each day…I’ve been able to see the long-term effects of sticking to a process and trusting the results will come.

Would you recommend Physique Academy?

Absolutely, I recommend it to anyone who asks what I’ve been doing in the gym.

What gets you motivated to complete the programme to best of your ability?

 Seeing the results that PA and Neil helped me achieve. Seeing where I am today compared to when I started is all the motivation I need.

Is there something fitness related you can do now you couldn’t do before joining Physique Academy?

I’ve always hated cardio but can now run 5-10k with relative ease. I’ve also gained quite a bit of mobility throughout the program.

How important is a routine for you?

Incredibly important and it’s something I didn’t realise until I started working with Neil.

What has been your highlight of working with Physique Academy?

The confidence boost that it’s given me in the gym and at work. The program can be very challenging at times, and I give Neil quite a bit of credit for helping build my mental fortitude.

What’s next on your fitness journey?

We’re on the bulking phase. I’d like to gain back the 20+ pounds I lost during my initial cut, do another small cut, and then work with Neil to set me up with a maintenance program.

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