Client of the Month - Spencer Roberts

Congratulations to our newest Client of the Month, Spencer Roberts!

Why did you join?

A huge congratulations to Spencer Roberts, our new client of the month award winner. Body image issues, a lack of exercise, and a poor diet led Spencer into the path of coach Matt. After the initial consultation call, Spencer knew this was the program for him. Spencer loved how Physique Academy hit all major pillars of health, from a tailored nutrition, and training plan, to mental health too. Achieving an incredible weight loss transformation of 157.63lbs to 125.8lbs and a confidence boost like no other – we transition into Phase 2.

We caught up with our award winner to chat about his journey with Matt & the program.


Why did you join?

January 2024

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Client of the Month - Joe Schafer


Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH, Mike Caggiano!

Why did you join?

A huge congratulations to our latest Client of the Month, Joe Schafer. Joe has been working alongside Coach Kris to break through challenges and achieve incredible results. “I would find myself staring at my abs for like 10 minutes at a time,” Joe said after losing 35 lbs and finally revealing a leaner physique. He had been trying for a while, but he couldn’t figure out the diet part. Even though he’d been lifting for years and felt physically strong, knowing how to eat to get shredded was confusing.

Joe's goal was simple: lose fat while maintaining as much strength as possible. So Kris did what he does best—created a bespoke training and nutrition plan to get the fat off, with clear A-to-B goals to keep him focused.

We caught up with the award-winning client to find out more about his journey.

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Client of the Month - Mike Caggiano


Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH, Mike Caggiano!

Why did you join?

I joined Physique academy this February.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined physique academy to get into the best shape of my life. My goal was to lose body fat and gain muscle mass, while learning how to properly eat and train.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically, I dropped 16lbs and became the leanest I’ve ever become, while running at speeds on the treadmill I have never ran before at the highest times I’ve ever done.

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Client of the Month - Brad Bond


Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH, Brad Bond. Brad’s initial was to get ‘shredded’ and he did just that. Working with coach Mikey, Brad has completed Phase 1 with an incredible transformation. He lost 17lbs in just 16 weeks and started breaking some PBs in the gym showcasing you can shred and gain strength whilst doing so!

Brad is also taking part in Muay Thai and during the program received his yellow belt. “I put this down to the conditioning and cardio my coach Mikey helped me with” – Brad.

Next for Brad is progressing towards his orange belt and putting on some mass with our Phase 2.

Brad has won a new pair of boxing gloves and ankle supports for his Muay Thai as a reward of taking home CLIENT OF THE MONTH!

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Client of the Month - Kelvin Blade

A huge congratulations to our latest client of the month Kelvin! Like most guys, Kelvin saw our post on the PA page of regular guys getting lean, strong, and athletic. Working with coach Thomas, we created a personalised nutrition plan that made it dead simple for Kelvin to prepare his meals whilst taking into account his dietary requirements as a vegetarian. Kelvin quickly grasped his macro targets and started to explore his culinary capabilities with some exciting low calorie, high-protein vegetarian meals. The training program focused on gaining strength and hitting new PBs, of which aplenty!

Next, Kelvin is moving on to Phase 2 with to focus on building muscle, running a few marathons, and building his functional strength.


I decided to join PA because I saw the results they were producing, and I knew I wanted to make a change in my physique. Additionally, the initial call with my current coach informing me of the program really attracted me to PA because it wasn’t just a workout plan. It was all encompassing. They track and advise on nutrition, sleep patterns, mental health, weight training, water intake, passive/active cardio, and things like motivation. This all informs the guidance my trainer provides, and I really haven’t seen that done in other programs I was researching at the time.


Physically, I’ve achieved a total body transformation. I am also, currently performing the best I ever have in both weightlifting and running. Personally, I have transferred the discipline gained from the program to my everyday life. I have more structure in my days which I find allows me to have more productive days.

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Client of the Month - Lucas Ballasy


A huge congratulations to our latest client of the month, Lucas Ballasy. Lucas has a history of fitness after dedicating years to powerlifting, strongman, cycling competitions but found himself with no direction.

He loved the physical side to his training but wanted to learn more about all elements of fitness and with that, his physique to be in the best form possible.

Working with our amazing coach Ash, Lucas has dropped an incredible 30lbs, starting at 156 and no sits at 128. With a new baby, Lucas’s biggest challenge was routine but with Ash, we created the ultimate program that allowed for a healthy and impactful work/family/fitness life balance.

“I think the biggest win is actually seeing how far my physique has come” – Lucas

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Client of the Month - Alexander Kitaev


Congratulations to our latest client of the month, Alexander Kitaev. 10 years training in the gym and after just 5 months working with coach Mikey has seen more progress than he has ever seen in his life. He is truly in the best shape of his life and his dedication and strive to be the best version of himself has awarded Alex with the client of the month! Alexander lost a total of 12kg, dropping from 84.5kg down to a lean 72.5kg. After years of trial-and-error training, he finally revealed the muscular physique he had worked so hard for.

Check out our Q&A with client Alexander below and check out the Physique Academy YouTube channel as Alexander and Mikey catch up in Dubai for a face-to-face chat.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined the Physique Academy in the end of September 2023, and started the program from October 2023.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

Before joining the Physique Academy, I had been going to the gym for about 10 years, but without any proper systematic approach, with big breaks and without nutrition plan. I had managed to build muscles, but the main challenge was to get lean so that all those muscles started popping out properly. So, my goal was to achieve 10-12% body fat and maintain the muscle mass as much as possible.

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Client of the Month - Edward Blackburn


Congratulations to our latest client of the month, Edward Blackburn. When Edward first reached out to Physique Academy, he had been paralyzed by analysis and too much contradictory fitness information online.

Equip with a nutrition and training plan, educational resources, community access and an incredible coach, Edward that removed the guesswork completely. After 5 months of working, Edward has completely transformed his physique and strength.

Initially weighing 92kg, Edward has dropped down to 77kg at the end of his journey while increasing his major strength lifts substantially.

We caught up with Edward for to discuss his time with the Physique Academy.

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Client of the Month - Patrick Rogan


A huge congratulations to our January Client of the month, Patrick Rogan. Patrick heard about Physique Academy through a family friend and decided to commit fully to the program after connecting with coach Sam. He wanted a new challenge and to reach his full potential both physically and mentally. The biggest obstacle for Patrick was changing his mindset and building the discipline required for this lifestyle change. There were tough moments when Patrick wanted to stray from the plan, but Sam was always there to steer him back on track. One of Patrick's biggest wins has been developing unshakeable self-belief and mental toughness. The program taught him to demand the best from himself and overcome any challenge, whether in the gym or in life. His newfound confidence has skyrocketed - he now approaches any difficulty knowing he can give 100% effort to succeed. The results speak for themselves - Patrick has lost an incredible 44 lbs throughout his transformation!

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined PA in March 2023

Why did you join Physique Academy?

After delaying joining for some time, I realised that in order to reach my physical goals I needed help and after seeing what all the lads have achieved I knew it was the place to join.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I’ve gotten into the shape of my life and reached a physique that I never ever thought I’d achieve which is amazing! Personally, I know my mindset has done a complete 180 as things that would get me down no longer bother me in the slightest and I think this has improved every relationship I have too.

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Client of the Year - Mike Teagle


Huge congratulations to our client of the year Mike Teagle. A previous winner of our prestigious client of the month award, Mike has taken his transformation to another level and is a true testament to everything Physique Academy stands for. 18 months down the line, Mike has fully transformed his physique, mindset & lifestyle and has found a level of confidence like no other. With a professional photoshoot under his belt, he has some serious ambitions for 2024. Working alongside coach Reece Hopkins, the two have become unstoppable and their relationship has grown from coach to client to a brotherhood bond.

How do you feel about winning the Client of the Year?

Buzzing! I was really over the moon when Reece called me up to say I was awarded client of the year. I had been working extremely hard on getting to the end point of the second cut after the photoshoots I received the award. Exciting for sure!

How long have you now been with the academy?

Been with the Academy for 18months, where we went through 2 cuts (70.25 & 64.6kg) and 1 bulk.

What was your initial reason for reaching out?

I reached out with the intention of losing a couple lbs and becoming healthier in myself and being able to play football for 90mins.
Fast forward and it’s been an incredible journey where this is now a lifestyle.

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Client of the Month - Zachary Pinkowski


Congratulations to our latest client of the month, Zachary Pinkowski. Before joining the Physique Academy and working with coach Zayne, Zachary was bouncing back and forth between routines with no clear direction, now he has a solid plan that is pushing him past his goals and helping him form new ones. At the beginning he could barely deadlift his own weight or run a mile without stopping, now he is pushing well past his weight in deadlifts and is chipping away at his 5k time weekly. Zackary has lost in incredible 15lbs of fat and continues to strengthen in the gym and increase his endurance.

Amazing work! Check out what Zachary had to say about working with the academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined the end of June of this year.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I’ve been working out for years and have constantly gone through cycles of getting in shape to then falling off track and out of shape in the summer months and around the holidays. I joined to not only get in shape but to break this cycle.

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Client of the Month - Terrance Craft


Congratulations tour latest client of the month, Terrance Craft. Terrance has been with the academy over a year now and has changed his life completely. Not only has he experienced an impressive physical change, but his levels of confidence are sky high. Terrance has been introduced to a new social circle through interacting with other PA clients and his journey has led him down a new career path.

Amazing work! Check out what Terrance had to say about working with the academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined Physique Academy in February of 2023.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined Physique Academy to achieve a leaner physique and look good without my shirt on.

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Client of the Month - Jay Pabari


Congratulations to our client of the month Jay Pabari. Jay reached out to the academy after years of training by himself but felt like he was struggling to really achieve the fitness levels and physique he wanted. Jay is also an employee at the intensive care unit and found himself working long hours here, there, and everywhere so routine was difficult to master.

Jay got to work with coach Harry who created a program that would slot around Jay's crazy shift pattern, with 4-5 workouts per week under 120 minutes and a nutrition plan that removed the guesswork. Jay was thrilled with his nutrition plan getting into a healthy habit of quickly creating his own home-cooked meals and getting creative with the inspiration of our recipes and his own calorie targets. He was still able to enjoy his favourite foods like curry, pasta and steak whilst seeing progress.

Jay managed to lose 23lbs in the process and has become the master of his own time, workouts, food and confidence.

We chatted with the worthy winner of client of the month to talk about his achievements and his time training with the Physique Academy.

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Client of the Month - Braden StClaire


Congratulations to Braden StClaire, our latest client of the month winner. Before joining us, Braden was overseas working. He wasn’t consistent in the gym and wanted to shift some of his stubborn fat. From the word go, we built out a training plan that he could follow around his busy schedule. This was 3 workouts a week - a mix of push, pull and legs. We created a tailored "healthy eating" nutrition plan that would help steer off hunger and maintain performance in the gym. The result? In 15 weeks, he lost 25 pounds. One area he valued most was accountability, and Neil explaining the WHY behind things.

“Braden showed a level of discipline to get the results he’s got. This isn’t easy so a massive well done to my client as his hard work paid off to get elite results. Braden checks in every week, makes progress and adheres to the program when changes are made. This is why he’s got the results and completed phase 1” – Coach Neil

Take a look below at our Q&A with our well-deserved award winner.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

February 2023

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Client of the Month - Tom Ward


Congratulations to our client of the month Tom Ward. Tom has been working with coach Jamie Gorse to get expert level of guidance and to help with accountability around his food and training. Know feeling in the best shape of his life, Tom continues his journey with the Physique Academy into his next phase go above and beyond what he first set out to achieve. He has taken his physique to a whole new level losing 35lbs in the process.

Take a look below to see our short interview with our client of the month.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

July 2022

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I needed guidance and accountability to turn my fitness/health around, I used to play a lot of sport, but everything dropped off during COVID, so I was in bad shape.

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Client of the Month - Damien Chatburn


Congratulations to our March client of the month Damo! Damo has been working alongside coach Adam to achieve incredible results and the work isn't done yet. He is currently 43lbs down in 24 weeks! Whilst dropping body fat he has also accrued a great element of lean mass!

Damien has also increased his strength across all his compound lifts, he’s much fitter, faster, and stronger in all areas of training. During his current time working with Adam, he’s told Adam he has re-fallen in love with training after it previously felt like a chore, this is now something he lives for, something he does, part of his lifestyle! Whilst on plan, Damien has been blessed with a beautiful baby girl which for most would set them back, but this has added more fuel to the fire giving him added motivation to become better and be a role model to his daughter.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joint the academy on the 10th of September 2022.

Why did you join Physique Academy? 

I joined physique academy as I have always trained but never managed to see results. I wanted a change in lifestyle to help me stay in shape. 

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Client of the Month - Callum Brown


Congratulations to our February client of the month Callum Brown. 33.7lbs down for Callum in 15 weeks!

Callum came to physique academy wanting to shred down, build muscle and improve his fitness. Working with Callum It has become evident that this has been achieved with flying colours!

The goal was the lose fat at a steady pace whilst building muscle mass, getting this right was essential, and I think it is safe to say that he has smashed it! No check ins missed, the plan has been followed and the results speak for themselves. Callum has been training with coach Tyler to achieve these amazing results and the work isn’t done yet.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

Joined physique academy 5 months ago back in September. 

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Client of the Year - Chris Gordon


Congratulations to our Client of the Year! Chris Gordon has been working hard with coach Neil to achieve incredible weight loss results and raise his confidence levels! Each month we share an incredible transformation and story about a client within the Physique Academy who goes above and beyond, and nobody shows determination and dedication like Chris which is why he is truly great recipient as we look back on 2022, receiving the award for Client of the YEAR!

“I wanted to nominate client Chris as client of the month because of how much he has changed as a person as-well as his life changing body transformation. Not only has he lost 40kg of body fat now but has also found a love for weight training and running. The confidence this man now has is incredible, as its elevated so high from when we first started. A goal now is a full marathon next year, after recently completing a half marathon. Mentally and physically it’s great to see a client change so much every single week and this is why I love my job. Has every week been perfect… NO. But Chris never gave up and had trust in me and the process to keep going and it will pay off”. – Neil Chauhan - Physique Academy Online Coach.

Take a look below at our interview with Chris.


When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined at the end of last year and have been working with Neil.

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Client of the Month - Michael Teagle

Congratulations to our November client of the month, Michael Teagle. Michael has been training with Reece after reaching out to the Physique Academy wanting to improve his physical appearance, gain a better understanding of all elements of training and improve his overall health. Michael has achieved amazing results which have contributed to his lifestyle. Michael has put his full focus on his training program and the results show. He has dropped 31kg in the process and gained some serious muscle. This is just the end of phase 1, just wait until you see what’s at the end of Phase 2!

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I reached out to Physique Academy during the last week of December 2021 and officially joined the team the first week of January 2022. I’d say this is the point where EVERYTHING changed for me.

Why did you Join the Physique Academy?

I lacked accountability, direction and understanding of nutrition. There was an element of poor general health from mental well-being, muscular issues, heart burns and continuous headaches. For the record, I don’t experience any of these issues anymore.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I am in the best shape of my life. I have an understanding and direction of my physique goals; I feel we have created a platform to grow in the gym and outside through the discipline and knowledge I have gained in the academy. My overall health and mental wellbeing have improved, in fact it’s off the charts! The mindset I have built through the journey has spilled into my personal life and I am more driven in setting goals and embracing gratitude.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

At the start of my journey my goal was to become disciplined, create habits, lose some weight to improve my overall health and physique. As we have progressed through the academy, health remains the ultimate goal. I enjoy the feeling of talking to friends and family about my journey and perhaps this is something that turns a hobby and lifestyle into a new career path. My goal at this present moment is to continue to inspire and get a better understanding of nutrition.

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Client of the Month - Alex Adams


We caught up with our latest client of the month to learn more about his journey with Physique Academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

Congratulations to our October client of the month winner Alex Adams. Alex has proved that age is just a number as he starts phase 2 of his journey after losing 38lbs. Alex has been working hard with coach Jamie Gorse to achieve new levels of fitness and self-belief in his job, relationships, and confidence. He has truly shown dedication to his program, checking in each and every week, improving in all areas of fitness and wanting to educate himself on the philosophy of Physique Academy. Starting off, Alex identified that consistency is the area he lacked when it came to seeing progress, we targeted this with a routine that would keep training and nutrition exciting that enabled consistency to become second nature. Look where we are now.

Here is what Alex had to say about training with Jamie:

When do you join Physique Academy?

November 2021

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Client of the Month - Ben Wood


We caught up with our latest client of the month to learn more about his journey with Physique Academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

Ben jumped on board with Physique Academy due to feeling demotivated and not at his physical best throughout multiple lockdowns. He knew he needed to commit to something and make some positive changes.

The goals were clear from the start, although wanting to look his physical best, crossfit and conditioning work were a staple in Bens current regime. This allowed us to put a focus on performance, moving better and improving functionality.

Ben is now in the best shape of his life physically and feeling way more motivated and clear headed at work and home. In phase two, the goal is to now improve across all Olympic lifts now we have a few extra calories to play with take a look below to find out more about Ben’s Journey.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined the Physique Academy in January 2022

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I always kept myself fit but never followed a program - I saw some of the transformations online and wanted to see if I could do the same.

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Client of the Month - Cory Wilcock


Congratulations to our latest Client of the Month award winner. Cory felt inspired to join the academy after seeing the amazing results from our social channels and having a close friend train with the team. After phase 1, Cory is the leanest he has ever been in his life and has gained new levels confidence in himself. Coach Neil and Cory have worked together incredibly and the results speak for themselves. Cory previously struggled to balance a consistent diet with his social life, but with our guidance he was able to overcome this challenge and get the results he aimed for.

We caught up with our latest client of the month to learn more about his journey with Physique Academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined Physique Academy in July 2021.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined PA because I had seen a close friend seeing some unbelievable results and I wanted to see the same sort of results myself. I really wanted to see abs as they are something I had never achieved in my life and be much fitter all round.

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Client of the Month - Greg Hanley


Congratulations to our latest client of the month. Greg joined Physique Academy because he had gotten to a point where he was fed up with his yo-yo approach to losing and gaining weight. He spent many years trying out different methods, but he could not keep it off.

Greg knew that he needed a fully tailored, dedicated program in place with full 1-1 accountability. Based on what he had seen through other Physique Academy transformations, he knew he had to join and see what he could do for himself.

The initial goal was to strip away body fat, and then start to build muscle and strength once we felt that he had got to a level of body fat that was much more sustainable and we were happy with. We achieved phenomenal results, and Greg is undoubtedly in the healthiest position he has ever been in.

Additionally, his long-term health was very central to his goals, and we have made massive improvements due to increased activity levels and a nutritious diet plan including the foods he loves.

Nutrition wise, he has been provided with the education and tools to be much more informed in his decision making, now he has gained control over a bad overeating habit which he suffered from before joining Physique Academy.

Greg went from not being able to run 1KM to now competing in a half marathon event showing that 1 decision can be life changing. Unbelievable work man, let’s see what we can do in the next phase.

Greg’s testimonial: “I can safely say that every single part of my life has improved dramatically in the last year, and I have Jamie and Physique Academy to thank for that! There is an incredible amount of false information floating around in relation to all-things fitness, from ridiculous restrictions in nutrition, to completely nonsensical training programs. Jamie and the other coaches at Physique Academy are firm believers in educating people the right way, and establishing a tailored, sustainable lifestyle for every single client. It has been really eye-opening to me that my nutrition choices can be both beneficial and enjoyable, something which I believed was absolutely impossible."

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Client of the Month - Thomas Collins


Congratulations to our latest client of the month Thomas Collins. Tom has shown nothing but determination, drive, and willingness to learn the Physique Academy philosophy and has lost 37 lbs down in 24 weeks while also gaining mass! Tom made it all happen with his coach Jamie. “My highlight has been working with Jamie. He’s been my PT, my coach, teacher, mentor, and best friend all in one, in times of success he’s cheered me on and been my biggest supporter, in times of doubt he’s inspired me to keep going and push myself further, and he’s also been there in times of struggle where other circumstances have impacted my journey. Jamie has been there with me every step of the way and his passion for helping others, his drive, his knowledge, and effort have been outstanding.”

Tom joined Physique Academy because he was at a very low point in his life. Once lockdown hit, his fitness routine went out the window and he took refuge in comfort eating until eventually he resented the gym and developed bad eating habits. Tom lacked motivation and didn’t have the knowledge to undo the damage he has caused, until he came across Physique Academy. It was clear that PA would be able to provide the knowledge, tools, coaching and structure in order for Tom to begin his journey.

His initial goals were primarily to lose body fat and improve his overall fitness and strength. He also wanted to reshape his mindset. Tom wanted to become the best version of himself and achieve things he never thought he was “cut out” to do.

Through Tom’s fitness journey with PA, his achievements have surpassed what he had originally hoped for. His physical appearance, strength, and endurance, but also his mental toughness and attitude towards his overall health and day-to-day lifestyle choices are just some of the noticeable changes within Tom.

For as long as he can remember his diet has constantly been up and down to the point where he would buy a 12-week fat loss diet plan just to get back to his regular shape. This wasn’t feasible nor healthy in the long run.
Read below our quick interview with the client of the month

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined the PA in October 2021

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined because I wanted to become the best version of myself and create a lifestyle that was healthy and maintainable.

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Client of the Month - Lewis Frost


Congratulations to our latest Client of the Month award winner. Lewis has been with the program 6 months and has completely turned his physique into peak condition. With the ambition to have the fitness levels of an athlete and start more functional training, we designed the perfect training plan that would help build muscle growth, stamina and strength, aligned with a nutrition principle that would reduce fat and maintain muscle. It’s safe to say that Lewis has been dedicated to the cause, set his sights on his goal, and stayed true and consistent with his plan. Well done Lewis, a worthy award winner.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined the academy 6 months ago.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I wanted to get into functional training, get shredded for summer and I have been watching George’s profile for a while, so I decided to reach out and get the guidance I needed. 

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

I have achieved a better physique and knowledge about training and diet. I have also improved my mindset with this program.

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Client of the Month - Tom Molloy

Physique Academy would like to introduce our client of the month feature. This allows us to shine a light on specific clients who have shown incredible levels of dedication to their nutrition and have taken their training to the next level. This month we would like to congratulate Tom Molly who’s a well-deserved recipient of some Physique Academy merchandise and a tub of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein.

Tom has been with the academy for 3 months and has proved himself to be a consistent client devoted to achieving his fitness goals.



We spoke to our client of the month to find out a bit more about him and his time with Physique Academy

When did you join the academy?

I joined the academy back in December, 2 weeks before Christmas.

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Client of the Month - Carl Harley

It’s time to reveal our latest Client of the Month. Carl Harley has been chosen for his incredible levels of dedication to his specific training and nutrition programme. His hard work is a true testament to the Physique Academy movement, improving his lifestyle, his mindset and his knowledge on training and nutrition. Since joining the academy, Carl’s confidence and self-belief have skyrocketed and his physical results speak for themself. Losing 5kg in 8 weeks, Carl built muscle and strength whilst loosing body fat. The plan is to keep on bringing body fat down until he is in a position to increase his calorie intake and alter his training programme.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I started Physique Academy in March during lockdown

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I had let myself go over the last few years and needed a kick start to get into shape. From speaking to a friend, who has had incredible results since joining the Physique Academy, I requested a call with the team to see what we could do. It's been the best decision I've made.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I've achieved a physique I didn’t think was possible in 8 weeks. There's still a long way to go but I couldn’t be happier with the physical changes to date. I've learnt a lot about myself in 8 weeks and the programme has pushed me on. It does take commitment and determination to achieve your targets and that’s something I was lacking in prior to starting this journey. In the short time I've been joined up to the Physique Academy I have become a much happier and determined person.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

I don’t have a defined fitness goal. My short term aim was to improve my health and fitness, looking forward my aim is to continue to push my body to achieve the best outcome and be proud of my achievements.

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Client of the Month - Cameron Hudson

Our May client of the month is Cameron Hudson. Cameron has shown incredible determination after encountering some injury setbacks, he has pushed on both physically and mentally and has made fantastic progress. Showing improvements in both strength and endurance, Cameron has reached training achievements he has never thought possible and finds himself able to push himself further and further each week. Not only has his training improved, but has expressed his mental health and confidence have seen a huge boost and has also seen the improvement of dedication impact his career.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I initially got in touch in March after looking through the academy page and seeing some of the transformations. Within a few days I had a call with George just to discuss what I was looking for and how Physique Academy could help me. This enabled me to find out it if I was getting involved with the best team for me and I knew straight away I was. Jamie then got in touch within a couple of days with my plan, the turnaround was amazing, and I haven’t looked back.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I decided it was time for a change after not making the most of lockdown, I felt like I had just wasted my time and that wasn’t something I was willing to do anymore. I have a holiday booked (fingers crossed we can go) and I want to be the best version of myself so I can enjoy it as much as possible. I initially was going to do this on my own, but I came across the page and the transformations were phenomenal and thought if I’m going to do this, I need to do it properly to get the best results. After my consultation call to discuss what the team could offer, I knew it was the right decision.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Since joining the academy my physical health, mental health and confidence have improved massively. Through becoming healthier and gaining the much-needed confidence, I have started running and my times are always improving. This is something I always found an excuse for, but I am now able to push myself further and further as I don’t set limitations like I used to. It also helped with my career as the plan is also there to benefit you mentally and get you into the right habits which have led to me pushing myself more at work. Being in sales, a lot of it is about having the right mind set and being relentless, the habits the plan promotes has helped me to do this.

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Client of the Year - Adam Pritchard

2021 has been an incredible year for both clients and coaches at Physique Academy. We have expanded our team, launched our client community, took a coach trip to Ibiza, achieved some incredible personal achievements across the academy and most importantly has received some outstanding transformations. As a team, we can’t thank out clients enough for their level of dedication to their programs and communication with all the coaches here.

Each month we like to highlight a certain client who has sustained their program and achieved great results and reward them with a prize. It’s never an easy choice as we have plenty of submissions from our coaches for Client of the Month. However, as we approach the end of the year, there is a specific client we would like to highlight as Client of the YEAR.

Congratulations Adam Pritchard, the Physique Academy CLIENT OF THE YEAR. Adam’s journey hasn’t been an easy one. He has experienced a hole host of challenges on his journey, but his level of resilience and attitude have proven him to be one of a kind and his results show just that. Adam has completely turned his life around not only physically but mentally. His confidence shines through when it used to hide. He is an inspiration to new clients, social followers and to our coaches as we see the dedication and focus, he brings week in and week out. Adam is a true testament to everything Physique Academy stand for and it’s a pleasure to have him part of the team.


A word from George Armstrong:

“Adam has shown resilience, grit and determination throughout his journey so far. He has overcome many obstacles and setbacks along the way. He’s so much more than a client.  Adam represents what the mission of the business is all about. He’s shown what’s possible with a will to change and better yourself. Adams just getting started. He’s a bright light that’s going to show other people a way out”

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Client of the Month - Josh Sharma

Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH! Each month we reward one of our clients in acknowledgement of their dedication, accountability, consistency, and their transformation. Josh joined Physique Academy with a number of fitness goals, one was to run a 5K without stopping. Within 3 months of joining the academy, and working with coach Harry Armstrong, Josh now runs a comfortable 5K in less than 25 minutes. He has now ran a half marathon in under 2 hours after just 4 months training with the team. His confidence has sky rocketed and now strives in other aspects of life.

I joined Physique Academy around mid-October as I can remember.

Why did you join Physique Academy? 

I had joined Physique Academy the very last week of August 2021.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined physique academy as they not only had a large number of transformations, but they came across as a team who would help you transform physically but also mentally, bettering all aspects of your life. Reading a lot of the client testimonials I had read numerous times the positive impact the team and the journey had not only physically but mentally as well, pushing clients to their full potential. This for me was key in me joining Physique. I would say I was stuck in a cycle of wanting to change, attempting to change, not seeing results, and then giving up, my all-round confidence was at an all-time low, I would avoid putting myself in uncomfortable situations. To me building physically and mentally go hand in hand and enable you to be your best self, which is what I wanted to strive towards, it was time for change, and I knew physique academy was the right fit for me especially after having my initial call with Harry. He explained the process and what it involved and from the call I could understand and get a feel for his passion and getting his clients the best results, this is when I knew I was making the right choice, and i have not regretted it since! I remember the call like it was yesterday, it was just before the bank holiday weekend and I mentioned to Harry I wanted to ideally start my journey on the bank holiday Monday, he had a camping trip the bank holiday weekend, yet he still found the time to send me my plan, that was when I knew Harry was giving his 100% on his side, and it was time for me to do the same!

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Client of the Month - Josh Allan

We’re happy to introduce our latest Client of the Month! Josh Allan has pushed himself both physically and mentally since joining the academy and the results speak for themselves. Josh has risen to the challenge and has lost 28lbs in 14 weeks. Josh is one of the most dedicated clients we have seen and built his regime around his weekly check-ins constantly improving week in, week out.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined PA at the beginning of February this year.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined PA because I wanted to make a lifestyle change. I was sick of the bad habits I had developed around eating and wanted to grow and improve my knowledge around the importance of a good diet and the effect it has on results of training.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

I have achieved goals I didn’t think were possible for myself. I feel and look the best I have ever done and have grown in confidence massively. It has given me a different look on the way I eat and train now and has ultimately made me a much healthier person physically and mentally.

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Client of the Month - Dan Wright

Congratulations to our latest Client of the Month, Dan Wright. Dan reached out to us back in February and has gone through an incredible journey of self-realisation and belief. We are 16 weeks in, 44lbs down and are now pushing towards the maintenance phase in his training. Dan has pushed himself extremely hard throughout his program and deserves every bit of recognition. Keep it up!

When did you join physique academy?

My first check in with physique academy was on 15/02/21.

Why did you join physique academy?

I joined physique academy after a brief cut that saw me lose one stone on my own then I realised it can be done and gave me a little confidence boost which then I reached out for professional help with someone who achieves amazing results like George and the team at Physique academy.

What have you achieved physically and mentally since joining physique academy?

Since joining physique academy not only have I lost 44lbs in weight since I was at my heaviest I have also grown in confidence and my mental state has improved ten fold. I am a much happier person day to day who has increased energy levels and found a new burning desire to make changes to my lifestyle to meet the goals I have for my own health and fitness.

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Client of the Month - Josh Lavin

Congratulations to our latest Client of the Month, Josh Lavin. Josh came to us fed up of his usual routine, looking for guidance and structure. With a holiday as his main goal, he took full accountability of his lifestyle choices and is now in the best shape of his life. Losing 14kg in 8 weeks, Josh displayed mental toughness to progress and improve with every check in with his coach Harry. Josh is a fine example of those wanting to change their lifestyle but also enjoying the process as he was still able to enjoy meals and nights out. We tailored his program to get the best results possible around his hobbies and enjoyments.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

15th of March 2021

Why did you join Physique Academy?

To get into shape for a holiday and to gain a more athletic physique to improve performance and stamina when doing Muay Thai.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I am in the best shape of my life, I have lost 13.8kg during my cutting phase. Personally, my lifestyle has completely changed for the better. I now control what I’m eating and my exercise output has increased.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

To create an athletic & lean body shape. To also be able to perform to my best ability when doing Muay Thai.

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Client of the Month - Tyron

Congratulations to our latest Client Of The Month. Post lockdown Tyron was in the worst condition of his life and needed to make a change. He’s trained off and on for over 10 years with no real direction or plan in place.

His goal was to lose fat build, muscle and get back into a good routine. He never imagined he’d end up like this. He’s lost a total of 23kgs in body weight during this fat loss phase. Physically Tyron is a completely different person and completely exceeded any physical goals he imagined before starting.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

The beginning of December last year (2020)

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I was in the worst condition of my life. Covid had just chewed me up and spat me out. I Spent the year overindulging in fast food and alcohol. I needed to make a serious change to my lifesTyronle and diet.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically, I’m a completely different person. I completely exceeded any physical goals I had imagined when I first started. I literally never imagined I would ever be anywhere near the condition I’m in now, when I started.
Personally, my life just feels content at the moment. I’ve found the fitter I become, its enabled me to perform at a higher level in every aspect of my life.

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Client of the Month - Connor

Our latest client of the month is one of the most dedicated and hard-working clients we have seen. Connor’s initial fitness goals were to get in the best shape of his life and build on his cardiovascular system with some endurance work. He has now archived a very fast 5k and 10k PB during the Manchester 10k last month, which is amazing, considering where he started! He is mentally feeling 100x better and happier within himself. He has built a great amount of knowledge of nutrition and training, which he now applies to his daily routine.

Connor has even showcased his transformation and his physique in a professional photo shoot. He has come extremely far since signing up to the program, but we aren’t stopping there. Connor has huge potential in all areas of fitness and together we are going to strive towards his optimum performance and physical best.

When did you join Physique Academy?

I joined physique academy around 4 and a half months ago.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined because I saw Adam achieving great results, so I wanted to get great results for myself as well.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the program?

Physically I have achieved the best physique of my life so far and achieved my best time participating in the Manchester 10k this year.

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Client of the Month - Ellis Beadle

Congratulations on receiving our Client of the Month award! You have been chosen for you level of dedication and compliance with the Physique Academy programme! We are going to share some information about your fitness journey and your achievements on our website and social media channels so could you please answer the questions below.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined Physique Academy around mid-October as I can remember.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I was at a point in my life where I didn’t feel I looked good and wanted to change that.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I feel like I’ve got into good shape and lost the weight I wanted to lose, mentally I feel a lot better just through regular exercise.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

My ultimate fitness goal is number one to have a good set of legs, no joke. But apart from that just to see what’s the best shape I can get in.

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Client of the Month - Sebastian Parker

Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH! Each month we reward one of our clients in acknowledgment of their dedication, accountability, consistency, and their transformation. Sebastian came to us to take his training to the next level and get amazing results. We have seen unmatched levels of focus throughout his time with the academy hitting targets in not just his fitness, but all areas of his lifestyle. Alongside online coach Jamie Gorse, Sebastian has achieved incredible results and is on his way to the next phase of his training.

I joined Physique Academy around mid-October as I can remember.

Why did you join Physique Academy? 

I joined June 2021.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I wanted to create new habits and focus on bettering myself both physically and mentally.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

The change has been tremendous in all aspects of my life. I wanted to achieve better standards for myself. A better output going forward and I’ve succeeded in that, without the support of Jamie and George I wouldn’t have seen the chances to keep pushing myself.

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