By Moghees Siddique on Tuesday, 04 January 2022
Category: Coach Spotlight

Coach Spotlight - Neil Chauhan


Introducing our latest addition to Physique Academy Neil Chauhan. Neil himself has gone through the transformation process before realising his passion for helping other achieve their goals. Spending the last 5 years walking the gym floor and coaching people, passing on his knowledge to clients who need 1-2-1 Personal Training along with Nutrition help and accountability.

When did you begin your fitness journey?

Around 15 years old I stepped into a school gym and then took it more seriously when I went into college and university as I had more spare time on my hands. Whilst at university I did my first fitness modelling competition which is where my training and nutrition got took more seriously.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

How has investing in a fitness journey helped you in other areas of your life?

This has transformed the way I look and perform. Confidence levels have increased over time. This is also a great investment for the mind which a lot of people forget. The physical changes are great, but the mental changes will be so much stronger. You will look at your life much differently in a positive way.

What do you bring to Physique Academy?

I bring 5 years of helping people on the gym floor and coaching people to reach their best. I am results driven. I want to bring the best out of you. I want to see how far we can keep pushing and digging to see how hard your body and mind can work. I am a massive push on nutrition with my clients. Nutrition plays a big role for someone. I’m all about creating a balanced lifestyle and doing the stuff you enjoy, rather than going to strict and doing the boring stuff that you hate.

Why should people join Physique Academy?

We are a team of coaches that are passionate about all the people we work with. We have a high level of experience, knowledge, care and attention to detail. We are friendly and approachable but most importantly we’ve been in the shoes of the people we’ve helped, that’s why we are so successful at what we do.

What advice would you give to people starting their fitness journey?

Make your fitness journey better by investing in someone who’s done it all before. This will save you so much time along the way. You have to be ready to enjoy the ride and you will come out on the other side so much better. Trust your coach, trust the process and most importantly believe in yourself. We get the results because we are so good at what we do.

What’s the best thing about being a part of Physique Academy?

I just love seeing everyone become better each day. Everybody at Physique Academy from clients to coaches are all on a journey of bettering themselves in some way shape or form and we all want the best for each other.

What is your favourite style of training? Weightlifting? cross-fit? other areas of fitness?

My favourite would be the bodybuilding/weightlifting style of training. I like to lift heavy weights up and down.

What does your daily routine look like?

Big Pint of water to start the day. I like to have 3 or 4 big meals to keep me full along with 1 or 2 high protein/ carb snacks. I work with my clients, make sure I get out for some fresh air and get a 40-60 training session in during the daytime.

Why is routine and discipline important to you?

Routine is needed, it just makes the day go by so much more productive and better. I’m old school. pen and paper kind of guy. Write it down and I’ll get my jobs done for the day.

Have you ever had a set back from training and how did you make a comeback?

I’ve had a lower back injury and a quad injury. These are short setbacks when you look at the bigger picture. Learning to rest and recover goes along way, instead of making it 10x worse. Doing full body sports massages helps a lot on the body, especially for weightlifters.

You can book a free consultation call with the Physique Academy here.

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