Coach Spotlight - Danny Smith


What Does Fitness mean to you?

Everything. I believe that taking care of our health and our fitness allows us to maximise life. Without being fit and healthy, we cannot work, we cannot enjoy our hobbies, we cannot look after our loved ones.

Fitness is also me-time. I can forget about everything else going on in the world, almost like meditation, my mind focuses solely on one thing. Whether that is making sure I stand up during a heavy back squat, or to keep pushing during a 10km time trial. My mind is clear and it’s a chance to use my body that I have been so lucky enough to be blessed with.

When did you start your fitness journey?

I engaged in various sports growing up: football, rugby, boxing, and more. But my REAL fitness journey started at 15, when I got a taste for conscious self-improvement by going to the gym, weight training. I dabbled in and out of the gym until the age of 18 where I started to become consistent and make good progress.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Confidence. I was always shy as a kid, lanky as well, my confidence was quite low. Although I always envisioned the man I would be, fit, strong, developed, and set out tirelessly to achieve it.

Along the way, I gained confidence within myself, confidence around others. I learnt the process of delayed gratification; I cemented the habit of discipline and routine. I learnt that to achieve something, you need to have clear goals, you need to break that goal down. This translated into exams, jobs, personal endeavors.

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Coach Spotlight - Alex Byrne


What Does Fitness mean to you?

My health and fitness are my life! From playing football at a young age to moving into Tennis, playing at club level.

When did you start your fitness journey?

My health and fitness are my life! From the age of 16 in my parents garage my dad showed me my first full body routine and the love for weight training was born.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

After completing a Physique Academy transformation myself back in Spring 2022, I set up my own coaching business and began to start changing the lives of many men who were looking to level up.

Being a Dad of 2 young girls, being in shape and fit all year round really affects Family life on a day-to-day basis allowing me to be the best Father i can be and allowing me to have more energy for my Family.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

As mentioned above, after 2 1⁄2 years of running my own online coaching business along with a full-time job, I have experience in managing a busy schedule whilst ensuring clients get the best results possible!

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Coach Spotlight - Kurt Dingle


What Does Fitness mean to you?

To become the best version of self, fitness is the very foundation that enables you to thrive within opportunities and embrace challenge. Without fitness, both physical but also mental fitness sustaining the process of difficult times and enduring difficult moments in life would not be as achievable. For me, fitness means staying ready to overcome obstacles and accomplish any endeavor I set out to achieve, as a coach, athlete and person.

When did you start your fitness journey?

The moment I arrived from the womb. Fitness as a ‘journey’ for me has started without a specific understanding of when but I have always gravitated towards pushing myself towards the limit within sport, training and physical challenges since youth. The very reason for my success today as an athlete and becoming strong, fit and healthy.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

The ability to reflect, apply composure and sustain routine that requires discipline, a focus from distraction, in reward providing incomparable cognitive strength and physical benefits. Fitness has drastically improved my outlook on life and how I operate as a person. Control your body, to control your mind and vice versa! Fitness is simply a choice; we have that choice to make every single day as a lifestyle.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

The experiences I have had over the years pushing the body and mind to extreme measures through endurance and combat sport participation. BSc Health and Exercise Science and Open Accredited Sports Nutrition education plus extensive industry experience in different continents. I have applied and sharpened the tools needed to effectively manage training and dietary approaches to be fit, strong and functional. I know how to sustain a demanding, hybrid yet holistic approach to the athlete lifestyle - Performance and Vitality is the gap I aim to bridge. With the experience in different continents and outlook I have acquired related to nutrition, performance and mindset I believe my insight and outlook can help anyone in the fitness space.

What are your THREE biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

Not only have I acquired expertise in the field, but I have physically done it too. From competitive boxing to racing trail and road marathons to testing myself in 24 hour workout challenges testing physical and mental boundaries to the limit.

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Coach Spotlight - Dan Gorse


What Does Fitness mean to you?

Fitness is the foundation of my life. It gives me a purpose, structure, and teaches me discipline. It's not something given; you have to work hard and earn it. I see it as an achievement, something to unlock like in a video game. Everyone wants it, but only a few have it. When you do achieve it, wear it like a badge of honor.

When did you start your fitness journey?

My fitness journey began around 8 years old, growing up playing football. As I got older, I became more serious about it, aspiring to be a professional footballer. I immersed myself in learning every aspect of the game, even researching and teaching myself skills through online resources. Transitioning from football dreams, I pursued strength training for bodybuilding, entering competitions and gaining a passion for the sport. After a stint in bodybuilding, I discovered CrossFit, challenging and transformative. Despite initial struggles, I persevered, improved, and now plan to compete in CrossFit this year.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has boosted my confidence tenfold. Beyond the external benefits of a strong physique, I believe looking good on the outside requires feeling good on the inside. Diet plays a vital role, affecting everything from tiredness to mental clarity. I've experienced the correlation between sloppy diets and decreased performance. Fitness has taught me that you can't outwork a bad diet.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

Bringing over 10 years of training experience across various styles, I offer more than just knowledge. I've faced tough times, falling off the training wagon while stuck in a job I hated. With the support of my network, I made significant changes. Now, I want to pay it forward by helping others through tough times, showing them change is possible with discipline and support.

Three Biggest Strengths as a Coach?

  1. Hunger: A relentless pursuit of knowledge, always seeking to learn and apply new information.
  2. Empathy: The ability to open up to people, understanding that vulnerability is not a weakness. Valuable for clients going through transformations.
  3. Accountability: Recognizing the signs of falling off track, stemming from personal experience. Guiding clients to overcome challenges.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

Physique Academy is distinct from others that offer a 12-week course and a premade diet plan. Instead, we provide a lifestyle plan, teaching how to stay in shape long after leaving. Tailored diet plans, weekly check-ins, and a diverse team of specialized coaches set us apart. Mental health is a primary focus, with therapists joining the team to support clients' growth and development.

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Coach Spotlight - Mikey Weir


What Does Fitness mean to you?

Fitness to me is a lifestyle, a way of life. Training, whether in the gym, running, playing sports, or any physical activity, is ingrained in me. Being fit and active has become second nature, a habit that is harder for me not to do than to do. I believe that when you find something you are passionate about, it becomes a part of you and something you want to do for the rest of your life. If you haven’t yet found that passion in fitness, keep looking, because when you do, you will never look back.

When did you start your fitness journey?

Fitness came naturally to me from a young age, as I used to love playing sports. Around the age of 12, I started taking football more seriously, excelling in the sport. At 17, I left home to pursue a professional football career, spending time in Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, and England. I was introduced to the gym at 15, with training specifically tailored for football. I transitioned from professional football around 24 and fell in love with Calisthenics training and running. Over the years, I aimed to become a complete athlete—strong, athletic, and mobile. It's not just about looking like an athlete but being one.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has primarily helped me in the most important area of my life—health. Feeling fit and healthy is unmatched. Confidence has soared, as looking and feeling great contributes to a heightened sense of self-assurance. Fitness has taught me discipline, hard work, and consistency, influencing every other area of my life.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

From a personality perspective, I bring positive energy and a growth mindset, constantly seeking personal and coaching development. I believe I can contribute to the team's growth. In terms of training, my calisthenics experience and expertise offer a unique style/method. Living a plant-based lifestyle, I can assist clients and coaches transitioning or already on a plant-based diet.

What are your THREE biggest strengths as a coach?

  1. Growth mindset: Helping clients be the best versions of themselves physically, mentally, spiritually.
  2. Accountability: Providing support and ensuring clients stay on track for their goals.
  3. Being a product of the product: Leading by example and applying what I preach, always striving to be the best version of myself.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

Physique Academy offers a unique community and platform where like-minded individuals gather to help you become the person you've dreamed of being—physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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Coach Spotlight - Dylan McConachy


What Does Fitness mean to you?

It’s everything to me. It’s not just something I do; it’s part of my identity. Consistently pushing to better myself in all areas of my life is really important to me, and I believe that training has allowed me to feel more comfortable with the uncomfortable. I love all forms of training, but my preference is Hybrid - there’s no better feeling than being strong and fit at the same time.

When did you start your fitness journey?

My journey began seriously when I was 22. After being involved in high performance for my sport, I was exposed to high standards with regard to training and preparation. After a few years of doing the partying thing after I left school, I got my act together and started to prioritize my fitness and health. From that point onwards, it’s been a huge part of my life.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

By pushing myself to my edges in the gym or on the running track, I’ve been able to develop a much stronger resilience mentally and emotionally. The growth and maturity I’ve gone through as a result of this is a by-product of my willingness to go one step further in my fitness.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

Besides a wealth of knowledge on training and nutrition, I bring a profound understanding of Personal Development. Having gone through numerous experiences with Personal Development coaches, I know personally how important it is for each and every one of us to take it seriously. In order to grow and progress as a Man, we first need to fully know Ourselves. I’m incredibly excited to share this side of coaching with Physique Academy and my clients.

What are your THREE biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

  1. I look at health from a holistic standpoint. I don’t just want you to be jacked and fit; I want you to be the best version of yourself, for you and your family.
  2. I’m really easy to work with. I will challenge you and push you, but there’s always time for a laugh here and there.
  3. Accountability - I will consistently remind you of your DEEPEST WHY, especially when it gets tough!

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

I’ve been involved in other fitness businesses, and from my experience, it was all about profit revenue. At Physique Academy, we actually care about you - the individual. We go above and beyond to ensure you get the results you desire, but also engrain life-long sustainable habits to help you better serve yourselves and your families. The level of accountability is unmatched; this is because we ACTUALLY CARE. Our transformations and testimonials are proof that our approach to a huge lifestyle shift works.

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Coach Spotlight - Jordan Scott


What Does Fitness mean to you?

Fitness has been a huge part of my life, I started playing football at the age of five, was lucky enough to play in professional academies through to the age of 19, I have since played semi professional in two different countries across the world. So, fitness has always been my identity, and has allowed me to create incredible life skills which keep all aspects of my life in check. It is my way to develop mentally and set examples to my family and those around me.

I started my fitness journey at the age of 14, working with professional sport scientists since then before moving into the online coaching space in 2020. Ever since then I have been on a mission to help others improve their health fitness and mindset, as I have seen first hand the immense lessons and impact it can have on all aspects of life.

What do you bring to Physique Academy?

I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in Health, Fitness and Mindset. I work closely with my own life coach, so I am constantly evolving my own psychological understanding and awareness as well as that of others. I bring over 11 years of experience working with elite sports scientists as an athlete myself, I have 3 years of experience working as a transformation coach. My main area of expertise is Fat loss, Functionality i.e Mobility and Elite level of conditioning mainly running. I also bring a level of understanding around how mental health can play a part in this journey, having been on my own journey battling with my own identity and loss of having left the game of football, I am keen to help others reach their true potential and discover their true authentic identity.

What is your biggest strength as a coach?

My mindset, I have a no-nonsense attitude and like to get it done! I have a great sense of empathy and have a true and deep understanding of people and their emotions. My work ethic, I lead from the front I would never expect a client to do something I wasn’t prepared to do myself.

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Coach Spotlight - Javi Gomez


What Does Fitness mean to you? 

Fitness is progression, the ability to progress always, no ma8er the marginality of such gain.  To take each day head on and push the body to its limits and test one’s mental fortitude.  

When did you start your fitness journey? 

I have always been an active individual, from a young age coming from where I come from it has always been a necessity to spend time outside. Whether this be competing in surf lifesaving, representing my club nationally, surfing, competing in athletics and gig rowing to name but a couple of endeavours. It all started for me when rugby really took over. I had been playing since I was a young boy, initially playing with friends on the weekends for fun, until it began to dominate my life more and more. College was when it really took over and I also became extremely invested in the accompanying aspects of what it took to perform at a high level, whether this be nutritional strategies, targeted strength and conditioning protocols, recovery methodologies to name but a few. Being exposed to competition at a high level allowed me to push my training to the next level and compete against exceptional individuals. Since then, it has instilled in me the necessity to push my physical capabilities whilst also being a strength and conditioning coach for high level athletes, testing them accordingly, some of whom represent their country internationally.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life? 

Fitness has taught me discipline, mental resilience and helped me develop a will to persist with all my endeavours.  

What do you bring to the Physique Academy? 

Having worked with professional athletes in the past, implementing appropriate training strategies for their desired goal has allowed me to bring an expansive approach to the application to certain individuals no matter who they are. To. work collaboratively with them to ensure they achieve their goals both physical and performance based. Whilst offering an educational experience for the client, delving into physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics.

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Coach Spotlight - Houston Chambwera


What Does Fitness mean to you? 

There are many aspects of life that we may not have control over. However, I believe that taking charge of our fitness is an empowering choice that we do have control over. By prioritizing our physical well-being, we gain a sense of personal power and control that extends beyond other areas of life.

When did you start your fitness journey?

At the age of 15, I embarked on my fitness journey, driven by the experiences of being bullied. Those challenging moments served as a catalyst, propelling me towards self-improvement and the pursuit of becoming the best version of myself.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has had a profound impact on various facets of my life, teaching me a valuable lesson: with the right mindset and unwavering persistence, I have the ability to transform the seemingly impossible into a tangible reality. This belief, instilled through my fitness journey, has permeated into all areas of my life, fostering a sense of confidence and determination that empowers me to overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

What I bring to the Physique Academy is a deep understanding and relatability to the struggles of self-confidence and disbelief in oneself. Having personally experienced the feeling of being at the bottom of the pile, I empathize with individuals facing similar challenges. My journey has equipped me with the resilience and determination necessary to rise above the obstacles that life throws our way. By sharing my own transformative experiences, I aim to inspire others and provide them with the tools and support they need to conquer their own hurdles and achieve their goals.

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Coach Spotlight - Ronan Mcevoy


When did you start your fitness journey?

My Fitness Journey started when I was around 16. I joined the senior team set up for my Gaelic Football Club and that’s where I got my first insight into the gym with Strength & Conditioning. The Real Journey started when I got a bad injury which meant I couldn’t play much so my focus turned to the gym and that’s when the passion for the gym and fitness began. This then eventually led me to wanting to build my knowledge on fitness and pursue a career in this passion.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has helped me massively in all aspects of life. When I was at my lowest point in life, fitness was one of the main things that pulled me out of it as it gave me something to focus on and it was also an outlet for me. It’s also been the thing that has helped me develop certain skills and disciplines, improve my confidence, improve my self belief, make connections I never would have otherwise. And also, it’s offered me life changing opportunities in life such as become a coach with Physique Academy.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

I would like to believe I bring a wide range of things to Physique Academy. I’ve been on both end of the spectrum, so I know exactly how it feels to be in most people’s positions and understand what the journey is like. I bring my own life experiences and journey so far so I can relate to almost everyone. I’m constantly on a journey of self-development, improvement and building my knowledge so I will continue to bring a wide range of skills to the team.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

I have been through the Physique Academy process myself and I can safely say it’s a life changing program. At Physique Academy, I believe we are truly unique in what we do and offer. Physique Academy is a community of guys all pushing, motivation and inspiring each other to better themselves. We make sure that each client has as many tools, resources and support as they need to achieve a life changing transformation. Not just physically, but mentally and in all areas. We care about your goals just as much as you do. We make sure that you reach these goals while also educating you along the way. We’ve got your back no matter what you’re looking to achieve.

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Coach Spotlight - Thomas Higgs


What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness is my identity, it has been a huge part of my life ever since I can remember, in the form of sport, fun, education, general health, and now in a professional manner. I understand through my own experience and through the people I have worked with, how significant of a strong fitness routine can enhance all areas of your life, both physical and mental. Now I am privileged enough to share my own knowledge, skills, and expertise to help people change their lifestyles for the better and improve theirs and their families lives through fitness.

When did you start your fitness journey?

Since I could walk, sport and exercise have been a part of my life. My realization and understanding of health and fitness from a more scientific and practical perspective began as a 16-year-old boy trying to grow some ‘guns’ to impress the girls and his peers. Through my own interest and inquisitiveness, I have continuously researched the topic through various means, and discovered I love other areas of health and fitness such as nutrition and cooking, psychology and mental well-being, and coaching from a health perspective. I don’t think fitness will ever leave me and I will continue to develop my expertise until the day I die.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of life?

Dedication, persistence, mental toughness – these are the key areas that have been developed through my involvement in fitness that have the most impact on other areas of life. Through my own fitness journey, I have learned hoe disciplined and consistent I can be when I have a goal in sight. I struggle with my own mental health, but I have used my love for fitness to mitigate the negative effects and turned them to positive thinking and resources for motivation. It has brought me and my girlfriend closer as we both love to stay active through hiking and walks (although I haven’t convinced her to join the gym yet, she is a yoga girl) – and 80% of the content I watch, and digest is health-related.

What do you bring to PA?

I bring versatility, a variety of skills, knowledge, and experience to an already vastly skilled team. I believe that the more I can experience, whatever level that is, the more I can understand the people I am working with and what my best approach to them would be. I am very adaptable and see an obstacle as an exciting challenge, not a problem to knock me off my path. I am very social, and I see the good in everyone, and I think I can create a relationship with pretty much anyone I meet. I have ideas constantly entering my head and will always voice my opinion and/or suggestions if I think it will benefit the business/team/me/my client. Finally, from a physical aspect, I might look small or like nothing spectacular, but I find that I surprise a lot of people who underestimate my athletic ability.

3 Biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

  1. Personality and personable characteristics – I will always look to create a rapport/relationship with anyone I work with and will do my best to find a common ground to build that bond.
  2. Tough love – I don’t bullshit my clients and I am not scared to have those difficult conversation with them if I feel it is needed to benefit their health and fitness journey
  3. My experience and knowledge within fitness helps me to overcome a huge variety of common issues whilst my repertoire of exercises knowledge allows me to suggest appropriate progressions/regressions, and critiques someone’s execution whilst articulating it in a manner that the client can understand – I’m very good at using analogy’s and creating visual learning opps.

Why should people join PA?

To change their lifestyle for the better, not just in the short-term, but the long-term with s sustainable solution that they can inspire those around them to follow suit. With such a diverse offering across all fields of health, I haven’t come across a more comprehensive program, whilst the coaches and staff at PA have so far proved themselves as the best and most attentive across all areas of the business. I am very impressed with the infrastructure. Of course, people have a stronger reason to join now I am on board, and they can work with me to achieve these results :D.

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Coach Spotlight - Jamie Lissenburg


What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness means a lot to me. It’s an opportunity to better myself, physically and mentally; to be strong and confident and be able to do what I want to do. It’s an opportunity to be a role model to my kids, to be able to play with them from dawn to dusk. It’s an opportunity to inspire others to better themselves and realise their potential.

When did you start your fitness journey?

Fitness has always been a part of my life. I played football from the age of 8 until my early 20's when my daughter was born. Whilst I did go to the gym before I stopped playing football, it wasn't until after that I became more serious about training. 

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

It's massively helped me with my mental health and helps to clear my mind, providing me with clarity. 

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

Life and training experience. I got married, moved into our first house and became a parent in a very short space of time. Those experiences have helped me shape the way I train, handle myself and view situations. 

What are your THREE biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

  • Passionate
  • Supportive
  • Patient

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

To get results they never believed possible! 

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Coach Spotlight - Matt Carlisle


What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness to me is a way of life, a lifestyle to be adopted to help you become the best version of yourself and feel fit and healthy.

When did you start your fitness journey?

I first started fitness kicking a football about at the age of 8 which led me to start a more of a bodybuilding weight training routine after hanging up my boots.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

It has given me body confidence and a strong mentality.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

Over 15 years’ experience in fitness and 8 years working with clients 1 on 1. A coach that will push you help you become the best version of yourself.

What are your THREE biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

I walk the talk, and practice what I preach. The array of clients I have worked with over the years and sharpened my skills. I care about the happiness and progress of others, and it gives me fulfilment.

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Coach Spotlight - Reiss Abberley


What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness has brought me some of my life’s highest moments and kept me sane during the some of the hardest, fitness really is a part of who I am. 

When did you start your fitness journey?

I began training at school at around the age of 14, quickly realising fitness was my passion, this hobby turned into my profession, I began my PT apprenticeship instead of attending college allowing to invest all my time and knowledge in the pursuit of furthering my own fitness goals and those of my clients. 

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has helped me in all areas of my life, especially bodybuilding which has taught me key values I still live by today including discipline, dedication, determination and direction. 

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

I bring 10 years’ worth of experience, working with a highly varied portfolio of clients, ranging from young lads looking to add size, strength, to full body transformations taking some clients from 20stone+ to a sustainable, healthy, and maintainable weight, all the way to 70+ year old individuals simply looking to improve their own health and fitness for longevity purposes. Each client is unique in their own way and my passion thrives in being a part of their own personal mental and/or physical transformations.

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Coach Spotlight - Marius Cobuz


What does fitness mean to you?

I began my fitness journey at the age of 16, 12 years ago.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Like with many people, fitness has improved my general health and wellbeing, confidence, and self-esteem.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

Dedication & Hard work! Skills and knowledge acquired over 12 years in the industry through trial, error and constant learning.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

Physique Academy is a program like no other. A program which isn’t only skin deep, ensuring clients transform into a happier and healthier version of themselves.

What advice would you give to people starting their fitness journey?

We all start from somewhere and its vital to never allow self-doubt to get in the way, especially at the very beginning. As cliché as it sounds, consistency really is the key! Teamed with Physique Academy, you will avoid many hiccups and be off to a flying start. The journey requires effort but were here to cut out the slack and ensure the journey is as enjoyable as it should be, turning the ‘journey’ into a lifestyle.

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Coach Spotlight - Ashley Smith


What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness has been the key component for mental stability in my life, it has shaped who I am as a person and it’s all I’ve ever known.

When did you start your fitness journey?

I began training at the age of 12, but it was the age of 14 that I began training consistently. I very quickly realised that it was beginning to become a huge passion of mine and knew I wanted to make a career out of making it other people’s passion as well. So, I completed my personal training qualifications whilst I was at college, as I studied in Sports Science alongside.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has helped me in all areas of my life, especially bodybuilding which has taught me key values I still live by today including discipline, dedication, determination and direction. 

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

I bring 10 years’ worth of experience to Physique Academy with a research-based strategy due to studying my Bachelor’s degree in Sports & Exercise Science from a top 10 UK university.

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Coach Spotlight - Kris Aldred


When did you start your fitness journey?

I started my fitness journey when I was 13/14 years old. This began by doing press ups and sit-ups in my room while also playing multiple sports for my school and doing martial arts outside. This ending up with me pursuing my sporting and physical development passion and doing a degree in sport and exercise science as well and a master degree in sport and exercise physiology before working with the general public and in elite progressional sport for over 10 years.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has helped me massively in life the confidence you get from not only being strong but also being able to love well means that you feel you can face any challenge life throws at you. It could be DIY, it could be a 10k, it could be a parents running race at your kids school, it could be anything. Knowing you have that physical ability to perform is a winning feeling. 

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

To physique academy I bring a range of skills. If you want to make those first steps in starting a fitness journey I can help. If you want to get lean or beach ready then let me know. If you have a sporting challenge or want to increase your athletic performance then lets get started. I’ve worked with countless people and athlete at all different stages of their journey. I’m here to help you reach your goals.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

At Physique Academy we’re a team, you’ve not just got the expertise of one coach but all of them. We don’t believe that one way works for everyone so we use a tailored approach that suits each client. We don’t say no to you having social occasions, we educate you on how to fit your diet and training  around them while still achieving the goals you set out to achieve.

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Coach Spotlight - Sam Parker


When did you start your fitness journey?

My fitness journey sparked into life at the age of 16 when I started using my older brothers’ weights. All we had was a set of dumbbells and bodyweight exercises. I quickly fell in love with how it made me feel and soon after joined my first gym!

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

After 8 years of training, I reached an all-time low in myself. I Struggled massively with body dysmorphia and never felt big enough. I hated the way I looked and was in a negative space with this mentally for some time. My biggest achievement is overcoming this space I found myself in and making that decision to change. I lost 70lbs over 12 months and changed my whole perspective around on training and my fitness journey. I am grateful to be where I am now but not one part of it came easy.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

My fitness journey has helped me with every part of my day-to-day life. Whether that’s through

  • Discipline
  • Resilience
  • Accountability

The fitness journey has a lot to show us about ourselves and can bring out parts of us we didn’t know were there. It is now a lifestyle and flows over in our mindset to everything else going on in our lives.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

I bring 10 years of life experience from my fitness journey so far. I understand what it takes to achieve amazing results and what’s required to help make a positive impact on someone else’s journey. I understand there will be struggles and obstacles along the way, I’m here to help people break through and overcome to achieve their dream goals.

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Coach Spotlight - Tyler Nixon


When did you start your fitness journey?

I began my fitness journey in 2016 when I was in the later stages of college at the age of 17.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

My greatest achievement in my fitness journey is being in this position here where I am now… I am the fittest I have ever been, I have the knowledge to be able to ensure that I can carry myself through this lifestyle for the rest of my life and now I am able to take others through their fitness journey ensuring they are getting the most out of their own experience. I had no self-esteem; my confidence was on the floor with little drive and motivation to be able to push myself to change and in the present day I am the complete opposite to that.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has allowed me to feel like I have a purpose. I used to wake up not knowing what I was going to do with my day, with little to do in my day I would just go to work and come home which then It would be a repeat for the next day, and that was not enjoyable. Life was repetitive, without a passion there isn’t any motivation for anything. People spend their lives working for and helping other companies on a full time basis yet they do not work on themselves… and that is not who I wanted to be.

Fitness  has given me the chance to meet new people, change my life completely, it has given me a purpose to be able to get up out of bed in a morning with the mindset of being productive and attacking the day with positivity.


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Coach Spotlight - Adam Pritchard


Adam has gone through one of the most impressive transformations we have seen at Physique Academy. Not only have he changed his physique, but he has completely changed his life. His journey has opened new doors for his career and has gone from client to coach. After inspiring 100s with his transformation, Adam has been working with clients working with clients first hand, implementing the changes and also facing and supporting the challenges he has gone through. His journey has taught him what it takes to become the best version of himself and now holds the skills to pass on his experience and the Physique Academy philosophy

When did you begin your fitness journey?

Ella is I started my fitness journey back in July 2020 where I was weighing just shy of 99kg classed as ‘obese’.

When did you begin your fitness journey?

I started my fitness journey back in July 2020 where I was weighing just shy of 99kg classed as ‘obese’.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

Going from being classed as clinically obese, low on self-esteem, low on motivation, low on self-love and worth, constantly hiding myself and restricting myself to being in the shape of my life, putting my health and wellbeing at the forefront of my mind at all times, confident, outgoing, extremely motivated and just overall very happy.

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Coach Spotlight - Neil Chauhan


Introducing our latest addition to Physique Academy Neil Chauhan. Neil himself has gone through the transformation process before realising his passion for helping other achieve their goals. Spending the last 5 years walking the gym floor and coaching people, passing on his knowledge to clients who need 1-2-1 Personal Training along with Nutrition help and accountability.

When did you begin your fitness journey?

Around 15 years old I stepped into a school gym and then took it more seriously when I went into college and university as I had more spare time on my hands. Whilst at university I did my first fitness modelling competition which is where my training and nutrition got took more seriously.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

  • From being obese and low on confidence when much younger to now becoming a much healthier person, making fitness a priority in life and letting it improve all areas of my life.
  • Finding my why reason and Passion.
  • Competing in a fitness modelling competition in London.
  • Getting ready and taking part in a Fitness Gym Photoshoot.
  • Helping plenty of people by educating them the right and correct way, instead of misleading them the wrong information.

How has investing in a fitness journey helped you in other areas of your life?

This has transformed the way I look and perform. Confidence levels have increased over time. This is also a great investment for the mind which a lot of people forget. The physical changes are great, but the mental changes will be so much stronger. You will look at your life much differently in a positive way.

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Coach Spotlight - Jamie Gorse


Jamie found his love for training at the age of 16 and in just two years’ time, placed top 3 in the Junior BNBF Manchester Bodybuilding competition which led to him being invited to the British finals that same year. His level of expertise on nutrition on training comes from his own experience and his levels of dedication come second to none.

When did you begin your fitness journey?

I began training at the age of 16 due to my lack of physical development needed to play football.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

My greatest achievement so far was placing top 3 in the Junior BNBF Manchester bodybuilding show, where I was invited to the British finals at the age of 18.

How has investing in a fitness journey helped you in other areas of your life?

I quickly realised that training meant so much more than physical appearance/attributes, training allowed my confidence to grow helping me with job interviews, education and my social life.

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Coach Spotlight - Harry Armstrong


From working out in his garage with rusty weights from the age of 15, to becoming a Welsh BNBF Regional Bodybuilding Champion, Harry brings heaps of nutritional and training expertise to Physique Academy. Brother of George, the founder of the Physique Academy, competitiveness and drive to be the best runs in his veins as the two have gone to battle since their Dad set up a home gym when they were younger. Since adopting endurance training to his own lifestyle, Harry enhances the programme by introducing alternative training techniques, with nutrition and weight training as the foundations.

When did you begin your fitness journey?

Started at the age of 15, in my garage at home. My dad bought me and George some weights to start with. We had a bench, dumbbells, barbell, Ez bar – all super rusty!

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

Winning the Welsh BNBF regional bodybuilding show in 2018

How has investing in a fitness journey helped you in other areas of your life?

It has helped in all aspects: Mindset, discipline, drive and determination to become the best version of myself. This comes across in my work life, family life and literally anything.

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Coach Spotlight - Reece Hopkins


When did you begin your fitness journey?

I began my fitness journey at 17 years old when I started going to the gym to build some muscle and strength to help me improve my performance on the football pitch.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

My greatest achievement in fitness so far is the life changing results I’ve got for the clients I have worked with over the years. After that I’d say getting in the best shape of my life for a fitness model photoshoot.

How has investing in a fitness journey helped you in other areas of your life?

Investing in my first ever gym membership at 17 years old was the most expensive purchase I’d ever made at that time of my life and it was the investment that completely changed my life, from that investment I’ve carved out my career, my passion, transformed the way I look and ultimately found the ‘thing’ that keeps my mind in great shape.

What do you bring to Physique Academy?

I bring 10 years of coaching experience and a vast knowledge of working with people. I’ve built an abundance of knowledge from being in the fitness industry from training to nutrition and everything in between. I am also massively passionate about helping people with their mindset and personal development which is a massively overlooked part of any transformation process.

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