Meet Ollie Stringer

I am passionate about sport and fitness, from athletics to ironman world championships, an inspiring journey of dedication and perseverance.

Ollie Stringer

Ollie Stringer

Online Coach / Personal Trainer


About Ollie

I’ve spent the last 17 of my life dedicating myself to sport and fitness. During my time at high school, I developed a passion for athletics (400m & 800m particularly), training 6 days a week until the age of 27. Unfortunately, I developed chronic Achilles tendonitis which caused huge disruption to my training schedule, eventually I decided to call it a day. I was then immediately on the search for a new hobby to fall in love with, and that’s when I turned to triathlon. For the past 4 years I have dedicated hundreds, if not thousands of hours to developing my swimming, cycling, and running. My greatest sporting achievement to date is competing at the 2022 Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii – the hottest day of my life! I put myself to a seriously dark place and learnt more about myself in that race than the last 10 years of my life!

I started my professional working career as a primary school teacher, however, I soon felt unfulfilled in this role and decided to pursue my passion for health and fitness in a professional capacity.

I qualified as PT in early 2017 and helped a countless number of clients achieve their personal ambitions. I enjoy the challenge of working with people and helping them reach their goals, but I particularly love working with clients who have set themselves huge challenges, such as completing a marathon, an ultra-marathon, a local triathlon or even an Ironman! I am a firm believer in that you can achieve anything you set your mind to!

Additional to my role as a coach here at Physique Academy, I also work at British Cycling as an Education Development Officer. The work I do with British Cycling is also hugely rewarding. The current project I’m involved with is the creation of a new revolutionary coaching framework, that will education future cycling coaches across the UK.

Outside of the work I do with PA and BC, I spend most of my time training, which mainly consists of swimming, cycling, running and resistance/strength training. Any other spare time is spent with my partner, Emily, who is also a triathlete.
