Meet Reece Hopkins

Changing peoples lives through fitness. Previous fitness model for photoshoots.

Reece Hopkins

Reece Hopkins

Head Coach


About Reece

I’ve spent the best part of 13 years dedicating my life to health and fitness, a journey which started when I was 17 years old, after stepping foot into the gym for the very first time.

I had always been into sports from a young age after starting football at 6 years old, I played all the way through until my early twenties. Sport has always been a big part of my life from playing in teams through childhood, going through school and eventually into adulthood in different sports. My biggest passion was always football and football was the reason I decided to start hitting the gym.

My sole purpose for training when I started out was to help improve my football performance – I was always the smallest in the team, so I turned to weight training to add some muscle, strength and size to my physique as well as adding cardio sessions in to vastly improve my fitness to enhance my football game further.

It only took me a few months of solid training to start seeing the results I had intended to achieve, this quickly escalated into the gym becoming my new obsession. I loved training and I loved seeing my body transform through the process.

At 16 years old, going through college, I always knew I wanted to get in to coaching, back then I had dreamed of coaching football in America. At 20 years old, I quit my job and followed my passion and my dreams and my journey in to being a coach started. I headed to Texas, USA at 22 years old and embarked on a 2-year career coaching people of all ages and backgrounds the world of football.

I always trained in the gym whilst being a football coach because I had made fitness a big part of my identity. I loved the way it made me look and feel and it became much than just a ‘evening training session’ it started to become a way of life and a place I used to not only push myself to be better but also a place to help switch off and escape on those tough days.

After returning to the UK at 24 I continued to follow my passion for coaching and my love of fitness and decided I wanted to become a Personal Trainer and do this ‘fitness thing’ professionally. This was hands down the best decision I ever made. I gained 3 years gym floor experience and built a success one to one personal training business before I decided to embark on a new challenge and move abroad to work and live.

I am now in my seventh year of being a fitness coach and recently returned to the UK after living in Bali for the previous 3 years where I worked as a PT, a group fitness coach, a gym manager and also coaching people online again building my experience with people of all walks of life and backgrounds.

I have now been coaching professionally for ten years and have helped change the lives of thousands of people in the process. I have lived an extremely active lifestyle that has taken me across the world to fulfill my dreams and experience living, working and being emersed in all cultures.

My life has had many highs and lows like everybody else and having suffered anxiety and depression I have also done a lot of personal development and self-improvement in the process. I have experience in mindset coaching, and I am extremely passionate about helping others make both mental and physical transformations.

Helping others is my highest value and my biggest passion, I am driven by seeing other people change their lives for the better, push themselves further and successfully hit their personal goals.