Coach Spotlight - Reiss Abberley



What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness has brought me some of my life’s highest moments and kept me sane during the some of the hardest, fitness really is a part of who I am. 

When did you start your fitness journey?

I began training at school at around the age of 14, quickly realising fitness was my passion, this hobby turned into my profession, I began my PT apprenticeship instead of attending college allowing to invest all my time and knowledge in the pursuit of furthering my own fitness goals and those of my clients. 

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has helped me in all areas of my life, especially bodybuilding which has taught me key values I still live by today including discipline, dedication, determination and direction. 

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

I bring 10 years’ worth of experience, working with a highly varied portfolio of clients, ranging from young lads looking to add size, strength, to full body transformations taking some clients from 20stone+ to a sustainable, healthy, and maintainable weight, all the way to 70+ year old individuals simply looking to improve their own health and fitness for longevity purposes. Each client is unique in their own way and my passion thrives in being a part of their own personal mental and/or physical transformations.

What are your THREE biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

1) Empathy, having been through the dregs of tough diets and phases in life in the past, I understand how hard it can be to go through hardships and struggle with both the mental and physical side effects of digging deep, I know what it takes to truly reach as hard as you can to get to where you want to be with your fitness goals

2) Respect, treating all clients with respect is key to having a healthy and most importantly productive client/coach relationship. Understanding when a client needs to hear the hard truths and having enough respect to be honest with them is paramount to making progress throughout their journey.

3) Knowledge, having spent the last 10 years dedicating myself to bodybuilding and the pursuit of being as competitive as possible on stage, I have learnt through trial and error, both with myself and my clients in the past, how best to get the most out each key element that creates ones fitness journey, from training, cardio, stress management to supplementation, I have my fair share of experience throughout.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

Physique Academy is unique within the industry in the way that the whole team operates, each member of the team is here to support and provide their own unique speciality when and where needed to help each client push to their own potential. 

What advice would you give to people starting their fitness journey?

Begin by setting small attainable and measurable goals, celebrate the small wins and aim to build on the key elements that will aid the most in assisting you on the path to your goals... discipline, willpower & routine. 

What is the best thing about being a part of the Physique Academy?

Being a part of likeminded community that is always willing to push the boundaries and pursue the highest possible good no matter what. 

What is your favourite style of training?

Bodybuilding and HIIT

Why is routine and discipline important to you?

Routine and Discipline ultimately provide you with ultimate freedom. 

Have you ever had a setback in training and how did you overcome this?

Thankfully, I have never had many injuries in my time. I have always taken maintenance of my body seriously with monthly physio and deep tissue massage as well as other external recovery elements such as sauna, cold showers, stretching etc. especially during times of high intensity/loading.

You can book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy here.



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