Coach Spotlight - Ronan Mcevoy



When did you start your fitness journey?

My Fitness Journey started when I was around 16. I joined the senior team set up for my Gaelic Football Club and that’s where I got my first insight into the gym with Strength & Conditioning. The Real Journey started when I got a bad injury which meant I couldn’t play much so my focus turned to the gym and that’s when the passion for the gym and fitness began. This then eventually led me to wanting to build my knowledge on fitness and pursue a career in this passion.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has helped me massively in all aspects of life. When I was at my lowest point in life, fitness was one of the main things that pulled me out of it as it gave me something to focus on and it was also an outlet for me. It’s also been the thing that has helped me develop certain skills and disciplines, improve my confidence, improve my self belief, make connections I never would have otherwise. And also, it’s offered me life changing opportunities in life such as become a coach with Physique Academy.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

I would like to believe I bring a wide range of things to Physique Academy. I’ve been on both end of the spectrum, so I know exactly how it feels to be in most people’s positions and understand what the journey is like. I bring my own life experiences and journey so far so I can relate to almost everyone. I’m constantly on a journey of self-development, improvement and building my knowledge so I will continue to bring a wide range of skills to the team.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

I have been through the Physique Academy process myself and I can safely say it’s a life changing program. At Physique Academy, I believe we are truly unique in what we do and offer. Physique Academy is a community of guys all pushing, motivation and inspiring each other to better themselves. We make sure that each client has as many tools, resources and support as they need to achieve a life changing transformation. Not just physically, but mentally and in all areas. We care about your goals just as much as you do. We make sure that you reach these goals while also educating you along the way. We’ve got your back no matter what you’re looking to achieve.

What advice would you give people starting the fitness journey?

My advice to people starting their fitness journey would be to go all in and commit to what you’re looking to achieve. Be selfish and do it for you, not others.

Another good piece of advice would be to hire a coach from the start. Looking back, I wish I had of hired a coach sooner as it would have saved me so much time and effort. So much easier when your guided by someone who has done what you’re wanting to do.

What is the best thing about being a part of the Physique Academy?

The best thing about being part of Physique Academy is the team we have. Everyone on the team constantly pushes each other to get the best out of each other. Whether that be inspiring each other in the gym or with our own goals. Or helping each other and sharing our knowledge to make sure we continue to provide a world class service and results to our clients.

What is your favourite style of training?

I would say a mixture of things. Mixed model, hybrid, whatever you want to call it. Recently I’ve grown an interest in the functional side of things, including a mixture of strength training, conditioning style training and also running.

Why is routine and discipline important to you?

Routine for me is the key in everything. Doesn’t matter what discipline in life it is, routine is the foundation to making those things happen. Routine allows you to build habits and discipline meaning you can easily tick the boxes you need to tick. Have a set routine is gold for me, when I’m out of routine I struggle big time and if affects everything else.

Discipline is also key, when motivation takes a tip, discipline is the thing that keeps you ticking the boxes, getting to the gym, cooking your meals. So, stop relying on motivation and start relying on discipline!

Have you ever had a setback in training and how did you overcome this?

I’ve had so many injuries and setbacks on my journey. Back issues, broke bones, ligament damage, torn hamstrings etc. The best thing that you can do to get over it is firstly, just accept that it has happened, and you can’t control it. But then focus on the things you can control, your rehab work, doing other things to work around it instead. Don’t get it affect you and throw you off, just adapt and overcome. Get creative and keep pushing forward. Setbacks just lead to comebacks.

You can book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy here.



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