Meet Kris Aldred

Fitness has been a corner stone of my life since I was young, playing a variety of different sports and doing some martial arts.
Kris Aldred

Kris Aldred

Online Coach / Personal Trainer


About Kris

Fitness has been a corner stone of my life since I was young, playing a variety of different sports and doing some martial arts. At high school I started doing press ups and sit ups nightly in my room before taking my first steps into the gym once a few years later.

After a few football injures and the rehab that followed it pushed me to pursue my sporting passion and go on and gain a degree in Sport and Exercise science as well as a master’s degree in exercise physiology. This led me to working with clients from the general public and within professional sport for over 10 years. Helping them achieve their goals or becoming more bigger, stronger more athletic and developing a more sustainable healthy lifestyle.

My constant drive to push my own physical limits has led me to compete at 10ks, half marathons and now in functional fitness comps. This has helped me test multiple forms of training and nutritional strategies to see what works best for different goal. This knowledge and experience are what I try to instil in my clients as we work together to achieve their goals and hit the targets, we set in becoming better fitter versions of themselves.

Joining physique academy has allowed me to peruse this interest in health and fitness and in doing so help guys across the world transform their lifestyles, physiques and mentality and become better version of themselves. Seeing people gain that confidence and that mentality to work harder is what pushes me daily to work hard and get the best results I can for each one of them.