Meet Tyler Nixon

My aim with Physique Academy is to change people’s lives from being someone who may not have that confidence, or knowledge to be able to push themselves in and outside of the gym.
Tyler Nixon

Tyler Nixon

Online Coach / Personal Trainer

Mental Health First Aider

About Tyler

My journey with fitness started in a crucial part of my life. I wanted to add structure to my life with something that could offer me contact progression if I stuck at it, at that is where fitness came in. I used to be massive in football, I would play 2 times a week for 3 years, However I fell in love with the lifestyle of training and going to the gym, and that is still my passion to this day. Starting fitness is not an easy thing to do, there are so many things to learn to optimally progress yourself in the industry. Thankfully I had people around me at that time that was there to guide and help me in the process.

I was first introduced to fitness and the gym when I friends used to go after a day at college. I was asked to go with them multiple times before actually making the decision to go, and it was the best decision I have ever made. From that day it became my life, it added structure to my normal days and that is what set me apart from the rest. Having a training partner is something I look back at making me grateful that someone was there going through the same lifestyle as me, both learning together on how to create plans etc.

Going through my fitness journey i learnt that taking it to the next level and really changing myself I knew I needed to have someone there to keep me accountable, telling me what to do and what not to do whilst also learning the art of training and nutrition.

Before being a coach, I was a client of George Armstrong for 3 years from the early days when physique academy was just himself and to see the business grow helping so many men across the world has truly inspired me to be a better person. Having a relationship and an understanding of how physique works has really motivated me to be a better person since the first day I joined physique, and it will be a part of my life forever.

At the moment I am currently training in a traditional way, weight-lifting in the gym is something I am very passionate about and has been form the start of my fitness journey. I enjoy cardio after my sessions it allows me to walk out of that gym knowing I gave everything in that session and for me that sets me off or the rest of the day. My aim with physique academy is to change people’s lives from being someone who may not have that confidence, or knowledge to be able to push themselves in and outside of the gym to a point where they are the person that people come to for advice no matter what it is about. This is a lifestyle change, and by joining us in physique academy you are bettering your life and the others around you. Mental health is something I strive towards, with the balance in mental health everything can follow and making sure my clients are healthy in the mind is the foundation of where I build my plans from.
