Chahid’s Transformation: From Comfort Zone to Photoshoot at 46



Our client Chahid has stepped out of his comfort zone and with ultimate confidence has taken on his first professional photoshoot. Chahid joined Physique Academy with the intention of getting in the best shape of his life as he approached 45 years old. He got to work with coach Tom and after 6 months completed phase 1 with flying colours losing 20lbs and gaining some serious abs.


Chahid is now flying through phase 2 but wanted to push himself further and take part in a professional photo shoot.



Here is what Chahid had to say.


“I am Chahid Stuber, 46 years old and a member of the Physique Academy Brotherhood since May 1st, 2023. Me and a fitness photo shoot? Never in a million years! That would probably have been what I would have said if someone had asked me about it a few months ago.

But then Physique Academy came into my life, and I got to meet my coach Thomas Higgs, who showed me how to break out of my comfort zone, set goals and take my mindset to the next level. I completely changed my life, built routines and learned to be consistent. I experienced ups and downs, sustained injuries and was often close to tears. That means I have overcome hurdles that I never thought I would ever be able to overcome. And this shoot was just such a hurdle. Now I stand here, proud and happy to have brought myself to such a level at the age of 46.

I can’t thank you enough, Thomas Higgs, for all your support and for being there when I doubted myself and questioned everything. I didn’t just want to make myself happy with the shoot, I also want to motivate others to just break out and take the path of the unpredictable. Because real life is waiting at the other end of the comfort zone!”


“in prep for Chahid’s photoshoot we started to look at things 6-8 weeks out. Being in the midst of phase 2 we had to change our direction to more of a cut, so straight away we looked at pulling calories back, but with the work we had achieved in phase 2, we didn’t have to go anywhere near as low as phase 1. Chahid was working his way through a knee injury which made leg workouts difficult, but I adapted the workouts to take strain and stress away from the knee and allowed him to still train his legs with intensity. Chahid focused on increasing his steps within this period taking advantage of his surroundings and the good weather. Prep was easy for Chahid, he took everything in his stride and didn’t let any challenges get in the way, even though we had to navigate a few such as wedding socials, work stress, and the sale of Chahid’s home of which he had incredible sentimental value attached given his time spent there. In prep week, we strategically increased carbohydrates and water intake before we reduced them and emptied the tank to get Chahid looking his best come photoshoot day. The results speak for themselves, and I am incredibly proud of what Chahid has achieved. Not just this photoshoot, but the symbol of what this photoshoot is, determination, discipline, hard work, confidence and whole new chapter of success within Chahid’s life! He is a whole new man since the first conversation I had with him” - Tom


Do you have a goal you want to achieve, a new challenge you want to face, a milestone you want to cross? Schedule a FREE consultation call with our team today!

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