5 Top Tips on Setting Goals

5 Top Tips on Setting Goals

When it comes to setting goals, it’s common for people to stop cut their journey short because they are unable to achieve them. It’s a frequent issue; people have that spur of motivation to get fitter and healthier, which is fantastic, and we promote this attitude, but are then quickly put off because of their inability to hit their desired goals which inevitably causes them to give up completely. There are numerous reasons as to why people fall off their plan and one of them is not correctly setting their goals when starting their journey which unfortunately is setting them up for failure. Here are some top tips on setting goals:

Set Milestones

One of the biggest setbacks on a fitness journey is not achieving your goal when you wanted to. You have reached for the stars and implemented ONE final goal to achieve. But what exactly is this achieving? You have set your sights on one objective, ignoring all the little things you have completed throughout. This will help you embrace the chance you haven’t hit your final target, but you have achieved so many wins along the way, and then it’s easier to say to yourself, “ok we keep going until I get there” instead of, “I didn’t do it so I will give up”. What we are trying to convey here is to set yourself milestones along the path to your final goal. Milestones such as getting into a routine, hitting a new PB, trying something new, implementing a healthy nutrition plan, achieving weekly weight loss targets instead of one final target, the list goes on. Implementing smaller goals will enhance the cognitive function of success which will have a positive effect on both your mind and body.

Be Realistic

Come on, it’s time to be realistic. Setting outrageous goals is inspiring but also near enough impossible to achieve. As we mentioned above, setting that one final goal is motivational but also detrimental to your mindset as you will be setting yourself up to failure by setting an unrealistic goal. Yes, we love the enthusiasm but it’s also an uneducated and could also be a damaging aspect to your training.


Things take time, understand that certain goals will take longer than others. Trust the process and you will get there but understand that certain goals will require certain timeframes. Understand this timeframe and work towards it. “I want to run a marathon in less than 2 weeks” – this is an unrealistic timeframe for someone for example who has yet successfully ran a 5K. Become familiar with what training is needed to attain certain physical abilities and outcomes and align it with the correct timeframe.

Work Together

Find someone who is also on the sam path as you. It will enhance the level of dedication and sustainability when pairing up to achieve something together. Find a support system with the same finish line achievement and work off each other to achieve that goal.

Get Advice

What better way to achieve your milestones, realistic and time understanding goals than working with an expert online coaching program. We can set you small milestone wins, tell you what’s realistic, educate you on the time a certain goal will take, and the training needed to get there, and we are also offer an incredible support group from both clients and coaches.

Book a FREE consultation call with our coaches and lets get set on your fitness journey.


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