Featured Articles from the Physique Academy

Client of the Month - Brad Bond



Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH, Brad Bond. Brad’s initial was to get ‘shredded’ and he did just that. Working with coach Mikey, Brad has completed Phase 1 with an incredible transformation. He lost 17lbs in just 16 weeks and started breaking some PBs in the gym showcasing you can shred and gain strength whilst doing so!

Brad is also taking part in Muay Thai and during the program received his yellow belt. “I put this down to the conditioning and cardio my coach Mikey helped me with” – Brad.

Next for Brad is progressing towards his orange belt and putting on some mass with our Phase 2.

Brad has won a new pair of boxing gloves and ankle supports for his Muay Thai as a reward of taking home CLIENT OF THE MONTH!

Check our Q&A below with Brad.

Why did you join?

I wanted to get shredded and be proud + confident of my body.

What have you achieved both physically & personally on the program?

Physically I achieved exactly what I wanted. I got shredded. I have a six pack for the first time in my life. I’m stronger than ever before, 16 pull ups in a row, achieved a higher belt in Muay Thai, skin is more clear, I’m happier than ever.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

My ultimate fitness goal is to be like a real-life anime character. My fitness journey will never stop, so really the ultimate goal is to always be progressing. Always be a little better than yesterday.

In what other areas of your life has Physique Academy helped you improve?

Every area. From family to work, I get more done now, then ever. I am motivated to be the best version of myself possible, for me and everyone around me.

Would you recommend the physique academy?

I would certainly recommend physique academy.

What gets you motivated to complete the program to the best of your ability?

The fact I started is motivation enough to finish the programme to the best of my ability. I do not want to disappoint Mikey, Thomas, George, and all the people that cheered me on. Too many people believe in me, for me to ever quit, and because of them I will finish this programme to the absolute best of my ability.

Is there something fitness related you can do now you couldn’t before the program?

I could never hold a handstand before and now I can! Plus, I’m working diligently toward handstand push ups. I’m very excited.

How important is routine for you?

Routine is pretty important to me for certain areas of life. However, I live by a quote from Socrates: “everything in moderation, including moderation.”

What has been your highlight of working with physique academy?

The highlight has been achieving what I always wanted and doing it with the support of amazing people.

What is next on your journey?

Next on my fitness journey, maintaining weight and putting on some more muscle mass! Training hard in Muay Thai every day, working towards my first fight in 2025.

If Brad has inspired you to change your lifestyle, book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy and let’s get started.

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