Client of the Month - Mike Caggiano



Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH, Mike Caggiano!

Why did you join?

I joined Physique academy this February.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I joined physique academy to get into the best shape of my life. My goal was to lose body fat and gain muscle mass, while learning how to properly eat and train.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically, I dropped 16lbs and became the leanest I’ve ever become, while running at speeds on the treadmill I have never ran before at the highest times I’ve ever done.

Personally, I learned that discipline is the #1 key factor to obtaining anything. I was not seeing the results I wanted through my previous ways of training. Through joining physique academy I learned that having discipline through proper diet, nutrition and training, I can obtain any goal I have.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

My ultimate fitness goal is to reduce body fat while simultaneously building muscle to achieve a more toned physique.

In what other areas of your life has Physique Academy helped you improve?

Physique academy has helped me improve my time management skills immensely. Routine and schedule is everything. I had to learn ways how to manage getting in all my meals and training while working multiple jobs.



Would you recommend Physique Academy?

I would 100% recommend physique academy!

What gets you motivated to complete the programme to best of your ability?

What get me motivated are my clear and specific goals of gaining muscle, improving my strength, and enhancing my overall fitness. Keeping a journal of my progress through the app and weekly photos helps me visualize my improvements and stay motivated.

Is there something fitness related you can do now you couldn’t do before joining Physique Academy?

Before physique academy I hated doing cardio, and I hardly ever did it. Now I run multiple times a week and it is a staple in my training routine.

How important is a routine for you?

Routine is everything. It is something I was lacking before joining PA. One of my favorite parts of the week is on Sunday evenings I sit down and plan out my week in my notes folder in my phone.
Something I have done that helps me is create a folder in my notes sections titled PHYSIQUE ACADEMY. I keep track of everything in this folder including my weekly schedule, grocery lists, meal ideas, and general thoughts. This helps me stay in routine and on track

What has been your highlight of working with Physique Academy?

My highlight has been working with Coach Dan. I have learned so much from Coach Dan. I learned that with a good meal plan and a good training program, you can reach whatever goal it is that you have. The most important factors are staying disciplined and being consistent. He’s customized the workouts to what I like and tailored the meal plans to what I enjoy.

What’s next on your fitness journey?

What’s next in my fitness journey is to Continue getting in the best shape of my life. I realized that being on a fitness journey isn’t something that you achieve in a couple months. It’s the way you live your life every day. Eating clean, walking 10k steps a day, and training hard throughout the week. This is what make me feel good.

If Mike has inspired you to change your lifestyle, book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy and let’s get started.

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