Featured Articles from the Physique Academy

Client of the Month - Sebastian Parker

Client of the Month - Sebastian Parker

Congratulations to our latest CLIENT OF THE MONTH! Each month we reward one of our clients in acknowledgment of their dedication, accountability, consistency, and their transformation. Sebastian came to us to take his training to the next level and get amazing results. We have seen unmatched levels of focus throughout his time with the academy hitting targets in not just his fitness, but all areas of his lifestyle. Alongside online coach Jamie Gorse, Sebastian has achieved incredible results and is on his way to the next phase of his training.

I joined Physique Academy around mid-October as I can remember.

Why did you join Physique Academy? 

I joined June 2021.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I wanted to create new habits and focus on bettering myself both physically and mentally.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

The change has been tremendous in all aspects of my life. I wanted to achieve better standards for myself. A better output going forward and I’ve succeeded in that, without the support of Jamie and George I wouldn’t have seen the chances to keep pushing myself.

Sebastian Parker Before And After 

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

There isn’t so much of a goal in mind per-se, I do like to see my Vo2 Max constantly getting better as well as making progress in my lifts.

In what other areas of your life has Physique Academy helped you improve? Would you recommend Physique Academy?

It’s massively improved my confidence, body confidence, outlook, and approach to nutrition. I have already reached out to so many friends to tell them about Physique Academy, love the honesty and hard work of it all.

What gets you motivated to complete the programme to best of your ability?

Goal! If there’s nothing to work towards then you’re going to be uninspired. Me and Jamie had mini goals to keep me motivated and ready for changes in training and nutrition. I wanted to test the limits of new things in physical training, taking on challenges to test my boundaries.

Is there something fitness related you can do now you couldn’t do before joining Physique Academy?

I struggled to squat my body weight and lift my body weight in a pull-up. I have not succeeded in that tenfold. Pull sessions I always struggled to achieve with great success and high intensity, now become a favorite part of my training.

How important is a routine for you?

I love structure. If I don’t have self-accountability to know I need to do the work to keep my mental, physical, and condition in the place I want it to be then it will run away from me in no time. Consistency and a routine facilitate all of that.

What has been your highlight of working with Physique Academy?

Making strong connections with my coach and learning so much about myself. I always thought I could do this but I know I’ve been quick to quit at times. I wanted to have consistency and create new habits that are maintainable going forward. Jamie has given me confidence and reassurance throughout this whole journey. I’m doing well, not every week is going to be a PR, what matters is that I consistently strive to push my boundaries, move forward, and progress.

What’s next on your fitness journey?

I'd like to maintain this physique while my life’s getting very busy soon, then slowly make some traction going forward. Keep progressing my numbers on lifts. Keep a solid base of conditioning and start to ramp up the level of intensity.

If Ellis has inspired you to change your life book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy and let’s get started.

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