Client of the Year - Adam Pritchard


2021 has been an incredible year for both clients and coaches at Physique Academy. We have expanded our team, launched our client community, took a coach trip to Ibiza, achieved some incredible personal achievements across the academy and most importantly has received some outstanding transformations. As a team, we can’t thank out clients enough for their level of dedication to their programs and communication with all the coaches here.

Each month we like to highlight a certain client who has sustained their program and achieved great results and reward them with a prize. It’s never an easy choice as we have plenty of submissions from our coaches for Client of the Month. However, as we approach the end of the year, there is a specific client we would like to highlight as Client of the YEAR.

Congratulations Adam Pritchard, the Physique Academy CLIENT OF THE YEAR. Adam’s journey hasn’t been an easy one. He has experienced a hole host of challenges on his journey, but his level of resilience and attitude have proven him to be one of a kind and his results show just that. Adam has completely turned his life around not only physically but mentally. His confidence shines through when it used to hide. He is an inspiration to new clients, social followers and to our coaches as we see the dedication and focus, he brings week in and week out. Adam is a true testament to everything Physique Academy stand for and it’s a pleasure to have him part of the team.


Adam Pritchard

A word from George Armstrong:

“Adam has shown resilience, grit and determination throughout his journey so far. He has overcome many obstacles and setbacks along the way. He’s so much more than a client.  Adam represents what the mission of the business is all about. He’s shown what’s possible with a will to change and better yourself. Adams just getting started. He’s a bright light that’s going to show other people a way out”


Adam Pritchard Before and After


We interviewed our Client of the Year to find out more about his personal experience with the Physique Academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined the Physique Academy team back in July 2020.

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I was fed up with myself, depressed, tired of hiding myself away and holding myself back from having fun. I had lost weight in the past, but it was always a ‘yo-yo’ diet where I’d go down just to go back up again (and more). I looked at myself one day in my bathroom mirror and just questioned myself ‘what are you doing to yourself’ and burst out into tears. From that moment on I knew if I was going to do it, I needed to do it properly. At the time my friend Levi was being coached by George and had seen some substantial results, so I reached out to Levi who put me in touch with George and well… the rest is history!

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I am in the shape of my life! The only 6 pack I ever thought I’d see was a packet of Richmond Sausages never mind abs! I’m fitter, stronger and healthier than ever, I truly believe I have found myself, found something I’ve got a genuine passion and desire for as I literally live for it. Personally, the journey has had me overcome several obstacles and hurdles... from the depths of the weight cut draining me physically and mentally, being kicked to the curb by people who didn’t believe in me, to coming out on the other side, using the negatives as fuel to spur me on day by day, keeping me hungry for constant improvement. I also believe I have achieved and gained a brother for life within George, who from the get-go has done nothing but be there and believe, motivate and push me from the get-go and be there for me at every beck and call.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

Erm… I’ll have to leave that as a surprise and leave you in suspense... but 2023 should be an interesting year!

In what other areas of your life has Physique Academy helped you improve?

Every aspect of life to be totally honest. Because I am happy within myself, more confident and just have a real feel-good factor about me now I approach each day with positivity. I’m not only looking for ways to improve physically but I am approaching things like work, time with friends and family and other things with the mindset of how can I add or receive value from this, how can I make the most out of this scenario I am in.

Would you recommend Physique Academy?

It’s been single-handedly the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. My results speak for the quality of the service you guys provide and I believe Physique Academy are truly the best in the industry. All the coaches are fantastic, all achieve great results, all absolutely great lads and all genuinely have a passion for helping people achieve their goals.

What gets you motivated to complete the programme to best of your ability?

Now this may be strange to some people but most mornings and nights I look back at my starting pictures as a reminder of how I felt, I don’t even recognise that person anymore! I look at the pictures as a reminder that I do not want to go back there, back to how I was feeling so that spurs me on daily to give every day my everything to achieve my goals.

Is there something fitness related you can do now you couldn’t do before joining Physique Academy?

If you’d have asked me if could I ever run a half marathon at the start of this journey I’d of laughed and called you a psycho but believe it or not I achieved that which was an overwhelming and proud moment for me. Marathon next? Wait and see ;)

How important is a routine for you?

Routine is key for me, I’ve found myself a good routine, one that I enjoy, one that works for me and benefits me, and ensures I tick all of the boxes. Without a strict routine I don’t think I’d have come this far.

What has been your highlight of working with Physique Academy?

The constant messages I receive with regards to what I have achieved, they mean more than people think and are a catalyst to keep me pushing. The real highlight I’d say is believing that I’ve found myself during this journey, that’s been something special and deep down has given me a purpose.

What’s next on your fitness journey?

At the time of writing this, I am in the last 2 weeks of phase 2 which is the lean bulk. I have my parents' wedding in April 2022, so we are going to be doing a slow-cutting phase until then as I want to be lean and mean for the wedding haha. After that, we will be back on a bulk, gaining strength and size… ready for a surprise.

If Connor has inspired you to change your life Tyronle, book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy, and let’s get started.

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 2nd January 2022
George Armstrong Weekly Workout 27th December 2021