Coach Spotlight - Dan Gorse



What Does Fitness mean to you?

Fitness is the foundation of my life. It gives me a purpose, structure, and teaches me discipline. It's not something given; you have to work hard and earn it. I see it as an achievement, something to unlock like in a video game. Everyone wants it, but only a few have it. When you do achieve it, wear it like a badge of honor.

When did you start your fitness journey?

My fitness journey began around 8 years old, growing up playing football. As I got older, I became more serious about it, aspiring to be a professional footballer. I immersed myself in learning every aspect of the game, even researching and teaching myself skills through online resources. Transitioning from football dreams, I pursued strength training for bodybuilding, entering competitions and gaining a passion for the sport. After a stint in bodybuilding, I discovered CrossFit, challenging and transformative. Despite initial struggles, I persevered, improved, and now plan to compete in CrossFit this year.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has boosted my confidence tenfold. Beyond the external benefits of a strong physique, I believe looking good on the outside requires feeling good on the inside. Diet plays a vital role, affecting everything from tiredness to mental clarity. I've experienced the correlation between sloppy diets and decreased performance. Fitness has taught me that you can't outwork a bad diet.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

Bringing over 10 years of training experience across various styles, I offer more than just knowledge. I've faced tough times, falling off the training wagon while stuck in a job I hated. With the support of my network, I made significant changes. Now, I want to pay it forward by helping others through tough times, showing them change is possible with discipline and support.

Three Biggest Strengths as a Coach?

  1. Hunger: A relentless pursuit of knowledge, always seeking to learn and apply new information.
  2. Empathy: The ability to open up to people, understanding that vulnerability is not a weakness. Valuable for clients going through transformations.
  3. Accountability: Recognizing the signs of falling off track, stemming from personal experience. Guiding clients to overcome challenges.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

Physique Academy is distinct from others that offer a 12-week course and a premade diet plan. Instead, we provide a lifestyle plan, teaching how to stay in shape long after leaving. Tailored diet plans, weekly check-ins, and a diverse team of specialized coaches set us apart. Mental health is a primary focus, with therapists joining the team to support clients' growth and development.

Advice for Those Starting Their Fitness Journey?

Continue to show up, especially during the challenging 2-3 month mark when progress may stall. Avoid overthinking, questioning, or making excuses. Just show up and do it.

Best Thing About Being Part of Physique Academy?

Being part of a brotherhood where coaches support each other. Witnessing the dedication behind the scenes for each client reinforces that they are more than a number—they are individuals coaches would go the extra mile for.

Favorite Style of Training?

CrossFit, offering a functional fitness style. It combines looking like a beast with the ability to perform like one, leaving you feeling ready for any life situation. However, I still incorporate hypertrophy bodybuilding style into my routine at least 5 times a week.

Importance of Routine and Discipline?

Without routine, life can pass by too fast. A structured routine helps appreciate both good and hard days. Hard work during challenging times builds the best kind of discipline. Staying disciplined with diet, shifting from eating for reward to eating for fuel, aids focus not just during training but in work life as well.

Overcoming Setbacks in Training?

Injuries are inevitable, and acknowledging their possibility is crucial. Adjusting training splits, focusing on less muscle-stabilizing machines during sore periods, and maintaining a lifestyle program during injuries are essential. The work doesn't stop when injured; Physique Academy supports a continual commitment to fitness despite setbacks.

You can book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy here.

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