Coach Spotlight - Kurt Dingle



What Does Fitness mean to you?

To become the best version of self, fitness is the very foundation that enables you to thrive within opportunities and embrace challenge. Without fitness, both physical but also mental fitness sustaining the process of difficult times and enduring difficult moments in life would not be as achievable. For me, fitness means staying ready to overcome obstacles and accomplish any endeavor I set out to achieve, as a coach, athlete and person.

When did you start your fitness journey?

The moment I arrived from the womb. Fitness as a ‘journey’ for me has started without a specific understanding of when but I have always gravitated towards pushing myself towards the limit within sport, training and physical challenges since youth. The very reason for my success today as an athlete and becoming strong, fit and healthy.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

The ability to reflect, apply composure and sustain routine that requires discipline, a focus from distraction, in reward providing incomparable cognitive strength and physical benefits. Fitness has drastically improved my outlook on life and how I operate as a person. Control your body, to control your mind and vice versa! Fitness is simply a choice; we have that choice to make every single day as a lifestyle.

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

The experiences I have had over the years pushing the body and mind to extreme measures through endurance and combat sport participation. BSc Health and Exercise Science and Open Accredited Sports Nutrition education plus extensive industry experience in different continents. I have applied and sharpened the tools needed to effectively manage training and dietary approaches to be fit, strong and functional. I know how to sustain a demanding, hybrid yet holistic approach to the athlete lifestyle - Performance and Vitality is the gap I aim to bridge. With the experience in different continents and outlook I have acquired related to nutrition, performance and mindset I believe my insight and outlook can help anyone in the fitness space.

What are your THREE biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

Not only have I acquired expertise in the field, but I have physically done it too. From competitive boxing to racing trail and road marathons to testing myself in 24 hour workout challenges testing physical and mental boundaries to the limit.

I have the mindset required to help people adapt and overcome challenges people from all walks to accommodate for personal goals, challenges and struggles. This allows me to connect and support individuals of all backgrounds and future fitness aspirations.

My pragmatic demeanor to being an athlete architect. Attention to fine details to produce the best out of every individual – from diet plans, training programs and lifestyle routine.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

Physique Academy isn’t just hiring a coach, you are stepping into an entity that supports and provides the platform to produce the very best out of oneself that was never thought possible. A stable of highly skilled diverse professionals in all aspects of health, fitness and mental health. Now that’s an experience most won’t get to ever experience in a lifestyle, let alone 6 months.

What advice would you give to people starting their fitness journey?

Stay in your lane. In a world of distraction, it is difficult to not compare yourself to others. Simply focus on the small daily habits that compound to produce to produce long term results, staying grounded upon the JOURNEY not just the DESTINATION. “Consistently good vs occasionally great” mindset, keep it moving forward – Every day is a chance to build.

What is the best thing about being a part of the Physique Academy?

The network of support and opportunity to collaborate with professionals, always in a position to be learning and connect with people from all walks of life. Collective aims to achieve one mission, one goal - Developing fitness, health and mental strength for a community of stronger, better people.

What is your favorite style of training?

Utilizing the hybrid approach to establishing all aspects of peak physical performance as an athlete. This means strength and conditioning, achieving functional mechanics to stay mobile whilst also being capable of endurance feats. Running, lifting, boxing and movement efficiency practices including stretching and mobility work. 

Why is routine and discipline important to you?

This is the foundation for all growth, success and results to occur over time. Having trust in a process, sticking through hard times by enduring repeatedly to produce results. The reason, any fail is due to the monotony, difficulty, repetition and commitment to see out something until it is DONE. Having structure allows for consistency and routine can fabricate the discipline required to achieve the personal success desired.

Have you ever had a setback in training and how did you overcome this?

I invite setbacks. Setbacks are a weekly occurrence. Often people fail to acknowledge the potential inset backs. From stress fractures, rolled ankles, RED’s and burnout I have tipped the scale at times and had serious moments of clarity, reflection and learning from the outcomes. Every setback provides the seed for an equivalent opportunity to grow! My old fight coach used to say, “Win or Learn”, that is the attitude to adopt for every set back experienced in life.

You can book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy here.

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