Coach Spotlight - Thomas Higgs



What does fitness mean to you?

Fitness is my identity, it has been a huge part of my life ever since I can remember, in the form of sport, fun, education, general health, and now in a professional manner. I understand through my own experience and through the people I have worked with, how significant of a strong fitness routine can enhance all areas of your life, both physical and mental. Now I am privileged enough to share my own knowledge, skills, and expertise to help people change their lifestyles for the better and improve theirs and their families lives through fitness.

When did you start your fitness journey?

Since I could walk, sport and exercise have been a part of my life. My realization and understanding of health and fitness from a more scientific and practical perspective began as a 16-year-old boy trying to grow some ‘guns’ to impress the girls and his peers. Through my own interest and inquisitiveness, I have continuously researched the topic through various means, and discovered I love other areas of health and fitness such as nutrition and cooking, psychology and mental well-being, and coaching from a health perspective. I don’t think fitness will ever leave me and I will continue to develop my expertise until the day I die.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of life?

Dedication, persistence, mental toughness – these are the key areas that have been developed through my involvement in fitness that have the most impact on other areas of life. Through my own fitness journey, I have learned hoe disciplined and consistent I can be when I have a goal in sight. I struggle with my own mental health, but I have used my love for fitness to mitigate the negative effects and turned them to positive thinking and resources for motivation. It has brought me and my girlfriend closer as we both love to stay active through hiking and walks (although I haven’t convinced her to join the gym yet, she is a yoga girl) – and 80% of the content I watch, and digest is health-related.

What do you bring to PA?

I bring versatility, a variety of skills, knowledge, and experience to an already vastly skilled team. I believe that the more I can experience, whatever level that is, the more I can understand the people I am working with and what my best approach to them would be. I am very adaptable and see an obstacle as an exciting challenge, not a problem to knock me off my path. I am very social, and I see the good in everyone, and I think I can create a relationship with pretty much anyone I meet. I have ideas constantly entering my head and will always voice my opinion and/or suggestions if I think it will benefit the business/team/me/my client. Finally, from a physical aspect, I might look small or like nothing spectacular, but I find that I surprise a lot of people who underestimate my athletic ability.

3 Biggest strengths when it comes to being a coach?

  1. Personality and personable characteristics – I will always look to create a rapport/relationship with anyone I work with and will do my best to find a common ground to build that bond.
  2. Tough love – I don’t bullshit my clients and I am not scared to have those difficult conversation with them if I feel it is needed to benefit their health and fitness journey
  3. My experience and knowledge within fitness helps me to overcome a huge variety of common issues whilst my repertoire of exercises knowledge allows me to suggest appropriate progressions/regressions, and critiques someone’s execution whilst articulating it in a manner that the client can understand – I’m very good at using analogy’s and creating visual learning opps.

Why should people join PA?

To change their lifestyle for the better, not just in the short-term, but the long-term with s sustainable solution that they can inspire those around them to follow suit. With such a diverse offering across all fields of health, I haven’t come across a more comprehensive program, whilst the coaches and staff at PA have so far proved themselves as the best and most attentive across all areas of the business. I am very impressed with the infrastructure. Of course, people have a stronger reason to join now I am on board, and they can work with me to achieve these results :D.

Advice for people starting their journey?

Take things slow! Don’t overwhelm yourself by promising the world to yourself. One step at a time e.g., go from sedentary to 2x gym sessions per week. Progress is progress and that’s all we are looking for some may get there faster than others, but your journey is your own and it should be taken with care and steadiness. Consistency and momentum are key to progress and that’s what you should focus on. Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t look too far forward. If you’re feeling concerned about the journey ahead, use gratitude to reflect how far you have come, take progress pictures, keep a journal, we will always want more, but we need to appreciate what we have achieved no matter how big or small.

The best thing about being a part of Physique Academy?

The brotherhood and the team around me. In my initial onboarding I have felt nothing but love from every team member I have spoken to. We are all on the same mission, to improve the lifestyles of men all over the world and I am confident we will stake our name for the biggest, best, but most importantly, have transformed the most lives through our programs and teachings. When I told my Girlfriend, family, close friends that I was part of the PA team, I couldn’t help but feel like a kid at Christmas, I am so excited to see what the future with this awesome team entails, and I am super excited by the mental health and psychology aspect that we offer.

What is your favourite style of training?

Now this is a tough one, I would have to choose 2 – if I train alone, I prefer bodybuilding/powerlifting style training, explosive and heavy with plenty of rest. When training in a group or with a partner I much prefer CrossFit style/functional and competitive training e.g., WODs, Metcons, EMOMs, etc. I am an all-rounder and out me in a situation of any sport/exercise modality, I feel I can compete.

Why is routine and discipline important to you?

Simply, without routine and discipline, I am lost. I thrive off structure and my discipline are a huge part of my character, whatever it is I put my mind to. With routine, everything in my mental and physical health is in sync, my circadian rhythm tells me when it is time to eat, train, sleep, work, etc. and I enjoy knowing what is coming. However, I am very adaptable, and I am always ready to deal with adversity and unexpected events, and if my discipline lacks one day, I use this as a learning opportunity to understand why my discipline dipped and how to overcome this in the future.

Have you ever had a set back in training and how did you overcome this?

So, I’m lucky enough to have not experienced a serious injury that has kept me out for weeks, however, the lockdown threw a spanner into my routine, BUT this was one of the best learning opportunities and demonstration of discipline I have ever experienced. I learned how possible it was to work with limited equipment and build on other areas of my fitness other than pure strength/hypertrophy, and during this period my mobility, flexibility, and endurance enjoyed a huge upgrade. It allowed me to understand a whole new catalogue of workout routines and ways you can use the body to stimulate growth and development (and I’m not just talking about size). I also used this period to spread my message of health, fitness, and well-being, through the content I created during this period, and it even got to a point where I enjoyed some days of lockdown because I adapted so well to it. Basically, throw a hurdle in front of me, and I’ll find a way to overcome it no matter how high, wide, or ugly that hurdle might be!

You can book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy here.



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