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How to improve sleep hygiene

How to improve sleep hygiene

Sleep is one of the most important factors to all areas of health. Implementing an effective sleep routine will benefit you both physically by allocating efficient rest periods, and mentally by resetting your cognitive processes with enough time to function to its max. The term sleep hygiene is about promoting a good night’s sleep and creating the most successful sleep cycle possible. 

We are going to highlight incremental factors that need to be acknowledged and actioned in order to benefit from the miracle of sleep.


Creating a sleep routine encourages a repeating circadian rhythm, also known as body clock. Therefore, getting up and going to bed at the same time will become a natural response, and you can tailor your cycle so you can arise earlier to start your routine.

Put Down the Phone 

Blue and violet light from your devices and unnatural light in the evening suppresses melatonin production. So relentlessly scrolling through Instagram minutes before you want to go to sleep will hinder your sleep. Try dimming the lights, avoid using your phone an hour before going to bed, you can even look at getting some blue block glasses. Spending time away from your phone before bed will positively improve your quality of sleep. 


Tryptophan is present in most protein-based foods or dietary proteins. This is converted into serotonin, which is further converted into melatonin. These are sleep hormones and therefore having a protein rich diet will increase the level of output and improve sleep. 

Avoid Caffeine 

Caffeine is a stimulant, which enhances concentration and alertness. People can process and handle caffeine differently. For those who can’t go a day without coffee, and trust us there are a lot, the consensus is to avoid caffeine after lunch time. It’s important to note that if you are dependant on caffeine to stay awake, you probably need a better night’s sleep, so think about the removal off caffeine with that thought process. 


The positive correlation between exercise and sleep has been noted by sports professionals and studies. To perform better physically, you need a good night’s sleep. You get a good night’s sleep when you have performed well physically. It’s a positive cycle. Sleep will benefit your performance by resetting your natural healing process and your cognitive function allowing you to both perform and focus the following day.

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