Low Cal Chicken And Bacon Carbonara




Chicken Breast
Fresh tagliatelle
Dried Parmesan
Low fat crème fresh


b2ap3 large low cal thai massaman curry 02



Place your Chicken in the oven for 25mins at 200 degrees. Whilst your chicken is cooking, fry off bacon, garlic and mushrooms in a pan for up to 10-15 minutes and leave in the pan to stay hot.

Add tagliatelle into boiling water until cooked. Drain your pasta but save some of your pasta water to add to the dish later. Add crème fresh and dried Parmesan to the pan with a little bit of pasta water until simmer. Add tagliatelle to pan and stir until covered by sauce.

Take out your chicken and slice into pieces, place on top of your tagliatelle and add some extra parmesan to top it all off.

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