Featured Articles from the Physique Academy

Neil Chauhan - Why I love being an online coach

Neil Chauhan - Why I love being an online coach

Creating a healthy lifestyle

Knowing I have helped someone get in shape, improve their mindset and achieve their fitness goals is why I love being a coach.

Building confidence

Seeing clients grow in confidence is amazing for both myself and them. The process of clients coming out of their shell and growing because of our program is fantastic to watch. You see it growing and it’s a great feeling knowing you have contributed to that.

Seeing improvements weekly

Catching up with clients at weekly checkins and seeing their progress. You feel a part of their journey and it’s tough to expla in but you are right there with them through the challenges, the bad weeks but also the improvements and the best weeks. There are ups and downs, but I enjoy bein g o n the journey with each of my clients.

Changing perceptions

More than anything I enjoy showing people that they can still enjoy food and have a social life with our program.

Connecting with clients

It’s all about building relationships with clients both individually and through the Physique Academy community. We pride ourselves in having the best support group around.
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