Reece Hopkinson - Why I love being an online coach

Reece Hopkinson - Why I love being an online coach

Sense of pride

I enjoy the sense of pride I get when I see clients achieve their goals. Knowing that I have assisted and provided the tools for them to become the best version of themselves.

Creating a healthier lifestyle

Promoting a healthy lifestyle for clients is what I strive to achieve. I know the importance of self care and the impact on both the body and mind.

Educating people

I love seeing that ‘light bulb’ moment in clients when they learn something new. This can be in training, nutrition and mindset. Educating people and debunking fitness myths so clients are not fed lies throughout the industry.

Share my own experience

I want clients to experience the same feeling and success I have gained through my fitness journey. I have learnt so much on my own journey and the self satisfaction, confidence and pride comes second to non. I want all my clients to feel this way.

Educating myself

Being an online coach allows me to work with people from all walks of life. Connecting on a personal and professional level learning new things from everyone on my program. We are more than just coaches at Physique Academy and you will find this out by joining our team.
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