Summer Transformation Challenge Winner



Huge congratulations to our SUMMER TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE winner Etha, who will be taking home a huge $4,000 cash prize! Ethan joined the challenge to get in peak condition but with no understanding of training and nutrition needed help. Ethan got to work with Dan Gorse and the pair became unstoppable. With unmatched support, dedication and the will to win – Ethan came out on top with an incredible transformation.

We caught up with the winner with our Q&A…


Who is your coach

Dan Gorse


How long have you been with the academy? (please include timeframe in months and not the month you started eg: “I have been with the academy for X number of months”)

I have been with PA for 4 months, started the Summer Shred Challenge. Am currently on holiday and then going into Phase 2! Can not wait to see what the future holds.

What weight did you start and what weight are you now my start weight was 84.5kg and by the end of the 4 month challenge I was 68.6kg. Losing 15.9kg (35 pounds)!


How did you hear about or find out about the Physique Academy?

I found Physique Academy just through their marketing on Instagram. Seeing all the quick, hard-working transformations really made me want to jump aboard!


What were you struggling with that made you reach out?

I really needed a lot of direction with nutrition and a strict/scheduled workout plan. I lacked routine and was uneducated on calories. I really surprised in seeing calorie comparisons in different types of foods. What I struggled with most was not being proud of my body imagine when looking in the mirror.


What was your initial goal when joining the Physique Academy?

Initial goal was to gain a leaner and musclier physique. I wanted to shred fat especially around my face and abdominals. This program allowed me to do exactly that!



How has your coach helped you throughout your journey?

Dan has honestly been astronomical. He’s been super approachable even when I’ve asked dumb questions, available literally 24/7 - even answers on his time off. He’s truly dedicated to what he does. He has reviewed & given feedback on footage of exercise technique, actively updated meal plans when he thought appropriate, tailored workouts immediately when I was injured or away on holiday. I couldn’t speak higher enough of Dan. Awesome to have a laugh with, held me 110% accountable and gave me the right motivation/push when he knew I needed it.


What have you learnt about training and nutrition?

So so much. Consistency is key with everything. Don’t allow yourself to cheat. Hold yourself accountable. Just show up! Really focus on correct tempo and technique. Weigh all food & eat 100% of what is given on meal plan, it’s all fuel!


How has your mindset changed on the program?

I’ve been fortunate to always have maintained a reasonably sound mind. However, this program has enhanced by mindset tenfold. I’ve completely relearnt discipline and willpower. Happily withdrawing from drinking alcohol become a game changer in my life. Saying no to friends with comfort and content and them understanding because they’re seeing the work your putting in and the results your gaining.


What’s the biggest thing you have discovered about yourself?

The ability to be able to influence other people through results and commitment. I had seriously countless amount people approach me and take interest in the program - everyone would ask for updates and ask how many kilograms I’ve lost now and be 100% completely supportive of my journey.


Have you achieved any personal bests/goals whilst on the program? Something you have achieved?

Even though losing 16kgs in 4 months, I’d have gained roughly 30% of strength on all lifts. In some cases, higher. I hit PB’s in absolutely everything.


Would you recommend the Physique Academy?

Absolutely! Already have. Referred 1 person who has started with PA & have 3 other people looking to sign up.


What’s next on your journey?

To continue on with Phase 2 & then Phase 3. Hopefully inspire and start conversation with more people in the future. Continue to build on my mindset and grow as a person.

Honestly couldn’t be more thankful for the program. It’s changed so much more in my life than I set out to change. It’s strengthened my relationship at home by doing more things together - cooking & training. Improved mindset incredibly. Taught me so much about nutrition and my how my body reacts to certain things. Have inspired a lot of people, where they are asking for advice on workouts and dieting. It’s such a great program that genuinely cares about you - this is reflected on how they have mental health first aiders, a WhatsApp Brotherhood group chat, a Head Therapist and countless other benefits throughout the program.


If Etha has inspired you to change your lifestyle, book a FREE consultation call with the Physique Academy and let’s get started.

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