Featured Articles from the Physique Academy

Coach Spotlight - George Armstrong

Coach Spotlight - George Armstrong

After being knocked back from various football academies around the UK, George turned his attention to fitness as the age of 14. Gaining advice on both nutrition and training from a local Bodybuilding gym, George started competing at 17 years old and won the Mr United Kingdom under 18s in his first bodybuilding show in 2013. After which he went on to win 9 shows in just 2 years of competing. After taking a step back from competing, George found his passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals by sharing the expert advice he gained throughout his own journey. Coaching clients at all levels became his main goal and thus, Physique Academy was born.

When did you begin your fitness journey?

At 14 years old, I started weight training in my garage. My brother Harry and I worked out with limited weights; a bench press, rusty dumb bells, a few kettle bells and an EZ curl bar. We then joined the local gym in the space of a year as we needed more equipment, but I will always thank that garage gym for opening my eyes to fitness and fuelling my passion for it.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

I have two achievements I consider my greatest. Firstly, winning MR UK Body Building show at just 17 years old. Secondly, this is an unconventional achievement but overcoming a 4-year battle of injuries. Not only did this time period away from training to my full capacity took its tole on where I wanted to be physically, but also pushed my mental capability to the max. Fitness is my passion and injuries hindered this, but I managed to put my focus in helping others and getting back on track.

How has investing in a fitness journey helped you in other areas of your life?

It has helped to build discipline, structure, relief stress, good habits and developed my mindset to push through difficult situations. These are they key elements I push on our clients, adopting a structured fitness routine will 100% help you in other areas of your life.

What do you bring to Physique Academy?

I bring heaps of knowledge and years of experience but most importantly I bring; honesty, respect, transparency, positivity, kindness, loyalty.

Why should people join Physique Academy?

We will push you to overcome limiting beliefs, barriers and setbacks like no other team. 

What advice would you give to people starting their fitness journey?

Don’t let a bad day turn into a bad week. We all make mistakes it’s what we can learn from them that makes us improve. There is no such thing as failure, it’s just a set back and the real failure is letting that set back push the victim mindset and cause you to give up.

What’s the best thing about being a part of Physique Academy?

Our Mission! To help men who are struggling with their health and fitness become unstuck. Building self-esteem, confidence and discipline to find their true potential.

What is your favourite style of training? Weightlifting? cross-fit? other areas of fitness?

A combination of bodybuilding, strength and CrossFit.

What does your daily routine look like?

I’m an early riser but I find the morning is the most productive part of the day so at 3.30am I wake up. I listen to positive podcasts, YouTube and self-development tutorials on my way to training. At 5am I hit my CrossFit session after breakfast which is then followed by another meal. I then catch up with the rest of the Physique Academy and then get to work with my clients. Throughout the day I ensure I consume 3 meals and snacks (this will depend on my current training plan). I prepare for the next day before getting to bed at 10am.

Why is routine and discipline important to you?

It’s everything to me. It’s helped me achieve everything in life with my business and body. It is the key to success.

Have you ever had a set back from training and how did you make a comeback?

I have had lots of setbacks. I always work around my injuries but don’t stop, keeping the body moving is essential. I seek profession help immediately, keep positive and never give up.

You can book a free consultation call with the Physique Academy here.

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