Interview with Josh Charnley

We sat down with Warrington Wolves player Josh Charnley to chat all things training, nutrition, mindset and how that impacts his career as a professional rugby player!

Q&A with Mack Middleton

We sat down with weightlifting Champion Mack Middleton, to talk about what it takes to compete at both national and international level when it comes to nutrition, training and mindset.

When did you start your training?

When I was 14, I was playing rugby and I started strength training to improve my play, then after a few years I’d picked up a few injuries and decided rugby wasn’t for me, I knew someone who trained at what is now my gym and thought I’d give weightlifting a go and that’s when I transitioned to solely Olympic weightlifting, age 17.

Did you test out various forms of training before you focused on Weightlifting?

The only training I did prior to taking up the sport was generic strength and conditioning training, most of my journey up until starting was pretty much on my own so I would only do what I would see reading and watching things online.

What has been your greatest sporting achievement?

My first GB representation in the European championships in 2019.

How many competitions have you taken part in/won?

I’ve competed in 2 internationals and 4 national champs, I also won all of the nationals.

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Interview with Jamie Jones-Buchanan

Seven time Super League Grand Finals winner and Leeds Rhino’s legend Jamie Jones-Buchanan talks about working with Physique Academy.

Harry Armstrong - Why I love being an online coach

Changing lives for the better

Being an online coach gives me the self satisfaction that I know I am changing peoples lives in a healthier way for both the bod y and mind. Showing people how to live a healthier lifestyle through my training program creates an incredible feeling.

Seeing clients succeed

Watching clients progress throughout the program and transition along program phases to achieve their goal is inspiring. Knowing that we have worked together, through highs and low, and be more than satisfied with the end result

Pushing people beyond their limits

Seeing the response and feedback from clients who have achieved goals they never thought possible is fantastic. The process of pushing people beyond their limits to show individuals what they are really made of and what they can achieve by going that extra mile.

Motivates me to push myself

Seeing clients progress, check in weekly, achieve new goals makes me push my own training. If I can push my clients beyond their limits, then I am able to do this myself. My clients are also an inspiration to me to keep going when I face challenges.

Educating clients on training and nutrition

Passing knowledge onto clients about training and nutrition to help them achieve their goals. I love altering perceptions abo ut food and its relationship to results.

Jamie Gorse - Why I love being an online coach

Change of mentality

Mindset is the most important attribute to this journey. I love seeing client’s mindset change over time and the increase of dedication and focus that comes with it.

Self satisfaction of achievement

Knowing that I have helped clients change their life for the better is an incredible feeling. Creating a healthier lifestyle for clients for both their body and mind that can impact their future self creates a great feeling.

Push myself

Training others improves my training. I pride myself in being an example to my clients which entails me to push my own training and routine. You need to practise what you preach on this program and that’s why I love it. It motivates me.

Seeing client’s reactions

I love watching clients get hyped up on their weekly checkins. Seeing them hit their targets and their reactions is amazing. I feel that I have achieved their goals with them as I am there every step of their journey but seeing how they react to a weight loss, new PB, muscle gain, stepping out of their comfort zone is one of the main reasons I love being a coach.

Building relationships

I enjoy connecting with clients on both personal and professional levels. We are a huge community here at Physique Academy and I love being a part of it.

Reece Hopkinson - Why I love being an online coach

Sense of pride

I enjoy the sense of pride I get when I see clients achieve their goals. Knowing that I have assisted and provided the tools for them to become the best version of themselves.

Creating a healthier lifestyle

Promoting a healthy lifestyle for clients is what I strive to achieve. I know the importance of self care and the impact on both the body and mind.

Educating people

I love seeing that ‘light bulb’ moment in clients when they learn something new. This can be in training, nutrition and mindset. Educating people and debunking fitness myths so clients are not fed lies throughout the industry.

Share my own experience

I want clients to experience the same feeling and success I have gained through my fitness journey. I have learnt so much on my own journey and the self satisfaction, confidence and pride comes second to non. I want all my clients to feel this way.

Educating myself

Being an online coach allows me to work with people from all walks of life. Connecting on a personal and professional level learning new things from everyone on my program. We are more than just coaches at Physique Academy and you will find this out by joining our team.

Neil Chauhan - Why I love being an online coach

Creating a healthy lifestyle

Knowing I have helped someone get in shape, improve their mindset and achieve their fitness goals is why I love being a coach.

Building confidence

Seeing clients grow in confidence is amazing for both myself and them. The process of clients coming out of their shell and growing because of our program is fantastic to watch. You see it growing and it’s a great feeling knowing you have contributed to that.

Seeing improvements weekly

Catching up with clients at weekly checkins and seeing their progress. You feel a part of their journey and it’s tough to expla in but you are right there with them through the challenges, the bad weeks but also the improvements and the best weeks. There are ups and downs, but I enjoy bein g o n the journey with each of my clients.

Changing perceptions

More than anything I enjoy showing people that they can still enjoy food and have a social life with our program.

Connecting with clients

It’s all about building relationships with clients both individually and through the Physique Academy community. We pride ourselves in having the best support group around.