Featured Articles from the Physique Academy

Coach Spotlight - Jamie Gorse



Jamie found his love for training at the age of 16 and in just two years’ time, placed top 3 in the Junior BNBF Manchester Bodybuilding competition which led to him being invited to the British finals that same year. His level of expertise on nutrition on training comes from his own experience and his levels of dedication come second to none.

When did you begin your fitness journey?

I began training at the age of 16 due to my lack of physical development needed to play football.

What is your greatest achievement in fitness?

My greatest achievement so far was placing top 3 in the Junior BNBF Manchester bodybuilding show, where I was invited to the British finals at the age of 18.

How has investing in a fitness journey helped you in other areas of your life?

I quickly realised that training meant so much more than physical appearance/attributes, training allowed my confidence to grow helping me with job interviews, education and my social life.

What do you bring to Physique Academy?

Working as an online coach with Physique Academy has given me the chance to help people not make the same mistakes I did. I also believe in taking time to understand what motivates one person from another as everyone is different.

Why should people join Physique Academy?

Physique academy is a bespoke, and technically advanced way of helping people achieve their personal goals. Diet and training plans are carefully looked at to suit the needs of clients and their measurements, meaning the program is optimal for each individual. This means the same program will not achieve the same results for anyone else.

What advice would you give to people starting their fitness journey?

Enjoy the process! People can get too caught up in achieving that end result and they don’t appreciate how far they have come along the way, both physically and mentally.

What’s the best thing about being a part of Physique Academy?

Having a positive impact on people’s lives that stretch much further than what can be seen at face value. Helping a client to reach their full potential and them taking away aspects of their fitness journey to use in their everyday life is a gratifying feeling.

What is your favourite style of training? Weightlifting? cross-fit? other areas of fitness?

Although I don’t limit myself to one specific style of training, I enjoy cross-fit the most as I continue to play sports, and cross-fit allows me to be at my most functional best.

What does your daily routine look like?

When I wake up in the morning, I hit some form of cardio workout, this usually tends to be a HIIT workout lasting 20–25 minutes, followed by my first meal of the day. I work through to 12:00pm where I will have my next meal and enjoy some family time and time with my dog. I then work through up until 5:00pm where I will have a snack and hit my main workout of the day lasting around 1 hour, this is followed by a post workout shake and 2 hours later, a meal consisting of mainly carbs, protein and veg. I then answer any messages or catch up on any work needed before my last meal of the night at 10pm before I got to bed.

Why is routine and discipline important to you?

Having routine and discipline in your life provides structure for the day, it allows you to complete tasks and plan ahead, as opposed to an unorganised and chaotic life. I have found myself with a lot more free time which I can enjoy while living a disciplined lifestyle.

Have you ever had a set back from training and how did you make a comeback?

Physically, setbacks are a part of the process due to the nature of fitness, especially while being in competitive sports, but my biggest setback so far was in lockdown with facilities being practically non-existent to me. My whole style of training had to change which can be daunting at first, but through resilience and adaptation, I created a structure and routine which I would follow each week. To this day, both my stamina and muscle endurance have improved significantly while retaining muscle mass and a low level of bodyfat.

“Jamie is a prime example of how hard work and dedication get’s results. I trained with Jamie when we were younger and he showed high levels of dedication and willingness in not only his training, but in all areas of his life. Since joining Physique Academy, Jamie has shared his expertise and experience with plenty of clients and has clearly used his own desire to succeed in order to get the results clients want”. – George Armstrong  

You can book a free consultation call with the Physique Academy here.

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The Importance of Routine