George Armstrong Weekly Workout 7th August 2022



Legs - Phase 1

BB squats 8,6,4
Stiff leg dead’s 8,6,4Rest 3 Mins12M’EMOM
1:BB Squats 6 (70%)
2:Assault Run 16 cal
Rest 2mins

1:BB Back lunges 12
2:Assault Run 16 cal
Rest 2mins

Phase 2

BB DT (60kg
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push press
300m run
(As fast as possible)



Phase 1

Flat bench 3x3, 10,8,6,
Seated DB press 10,8,6
Side raises 15,12,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 31st July 2022



Legs - Phase 1
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Wide stance barbell squats 10,8,6,4
Bulgarian split squats 3x12 each leg
BB Stiff leg deadlifts 10,8,6
Phase 2
1:American Kettlebell swings 16
2:Assault bike 14cal
3:Barbell thrusters 10 (50-60kg)
4:Plate burpee 10


Pull - Phase 1
BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
DB single arm rows 12,10,8
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6
Straight arm cable pull downs 12,10,8
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8
Single arm preacher curls 15,12,10
Phase 2
Part 1
Compete against me
As fast as possible
1k row
Every 60 seconds complete
8 pull ups and 4 burpee
Part 2
As fast as possible
1k row
Every 60 seconds complete
8 Pendlay rows @bw


Push - PHASE 1
Flat BB bench press 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
Push press 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
Incline DB chest press 10,8,6
Front cable raises 15,12,10
Tricep push downs 15,12,10
Dips 3x15

Phase 2
7km Run easy pace.



Give this workout a try.
Go as fast as possible with your partner.

Part 1
Assault bike 50 cal
Box over burpee 75
BB push press 75
DB front squats 75
T2B 75
Rest 1 min

Part 2
Assault bike 50cal
Box overs 75
BB OH squat 75
DB clean and press 75
T2B 75
Rest 1 min

Part 3
Assault bike 50 cal
Box jumps 75
BB Thrusters 75
DB Devil press 75
T2B 75

50kg barbell  

Our times


Phase 1
BB Flat bench press 5x5,1xBW max reps
BB Deadlifts 5x5,1xBW max reps
BB Squats 5x5,1xBW max reps

Phase 2

15M Treadmill workout
“Climb to heaven”
Every minute increase the incline starting from 0 to 15. Every minute up the gradient.
Speed starts and stays on 10mph throughout

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 24th July 2022



Phase 1

Complete within 30 min time cap
5 rounds
Assault Bike 6cal
DB hang clean 6
Rower 6cal
6 T2B
4 rounds
Assault Bike 8cal
DB hang clean 8
Row 8cal
T2B 8
3 rounds
Assault Bike 10cal
DB hang clean 10 
Row 10cal
T2B 10
2 rounds
Assault Bike 12cal 
DB hang clean 12
Row 12cal
12 T2B
(George used 20kg DBs)

Phase 2

7km run (hard pace)


Pull - Phase 1

Weighted pull ups 8,6,4,2,1
DB rows 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
BB Pendlay rows 8,6,4,(20 dropset)
DB Rear flys 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
DB bicep preacher curls 12,10,8,(20 dropset)

Phase 2

Assault bike / Ski erg 
Single arm DB snatch
DB single arm over head lunges 
(20-35kg DB)


E2MOM - 60 mins
Min1&2 - 10 BB Sumo dead hi pull / 12 ski erg or assault bike
Min3&4 - 10 BB Hang clean / 12 ski erg or assault bike
Min5&6 - 10 BB thrusters 12 ski erg or assault 
Min7&8 - 15 toes to bar / 12 ski erg or assault bike 
Min9&10- 10 BB Front squats /12 ski erg or assault bike 
(Barbell @40-60kg)


Push - Phase 1

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 17th July 2022


Legs - Phase 1

Leg extensions 15,12,10,10

Leg press 15,12,10,10

Bulgarian split squats 3x12 each leg

BB Stiff leg deadlifts 10,8,6

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 10th July 2022



Push - Phase 1

Flat BB bench press 12,10,8,6

Seated shoulder press 12,10,8,6

Triceps cable push downs straight bar 12,10,8,6

Chest Cable fly’s ,20,15,12,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 27th June 2022



Push - Phase 1

BB flat bench 10,8,6,4

Seated DB shoulder press 12,10,8,6

Incline DB press 12,10,8,6

Side to front DB raises 12,10,8,6

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 20th June 2022



Legs - Phase 1

Leg extensions 15,12,10

Wide stance barbell squats 10,8,6,4

Bulgarian split squats 3x12 each leg

BB Stiff leg deadlifts 10,8,6

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 12th June 2022


Another week down. Creating good habits with your training and nutrition is a key fundamental to staying in shape for a long time. I’ve been training since I was 14. I turned 27 a few weeks back so that’s 13 years crushing the iron. Make this a lifestyle and part of your weekly routine like brushing your teeth. Seriously… make it an essential part of your routine.

I love the process and learning about my body. If you aren’t inspired to keep fit and healthy then maybe set a new challenge or a goal that could give you that extra motivation. My goal to you if you haven’t already. Get in the best shape of your life and I mean shredded not lean... shredded. You might learn a thing or two about yourself through the process. It might be hard but just explore the unknown.

Do this for yourself not anyone else. Test your limits. Enjoy the workouts. LFG!


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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 5th June 2022


This week was one of the toughest weeks of my life. Our little brother William at age 24 William sadly took his own life from a 10 year battle with depression and anxiety. I trained through my thoughts and emotions I was in so much pain mentally but I know training keeps my mind focused. I still put in the work because training is anchor to my life and keeps me on track. A new chapter of my life is now open. The healing process and journey starts now. Please share a prayer this week for William. My he Rest In Peace.



Legs - Phase 1

Leg extensions 15,12,10

Seated hamstring curls 15,12,10

Barbell squats 10,8,6,4,2

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 29th May 2022



Phase 1

Leg extensions 15,12,10

Seated hamstring curls 15,12,10

Barbell squats 10,8,6,4,2

Walking barbell lunges 12,10,8 (each leg)

Phase 2

5 rounds 

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 22nd May 2022



Phase 1

Front Squats 5x5 ,1x10
Static Back Lunges 10,8,6 (reps each leg)
Leg extensions 8,10,12,20 (Limit equipment – DB Goblet squat)

Phase 2

In a 2 for time 
75 cal ski 
50 wall balls
30 box over Burpees 
30 T2B 
75 cal bike 
50 wall balls
30 box over burpees
30 T2B
75 cal row
50 wall balls  
30 box over burpees
30 T2B


Phase 1

Barbell Bench 2x5, 2x3, 2x1
DB side raises 12,10,8,6
Tricep extensions 12,10,8,6

Phase 2

1:Shoulder press 8 
2:Ski 12
3:T2B 12


Phase 1

Barbell sumo deadlift 5x5

Pull ups weighted 10,8,6,4
Barbell Prone rows 10,8,6,4
Dumbbell alternating biceps curls 12,10,8,6 (each arm)

Phase 2

For time:
10 Dumbbell Snatches (18-22kg
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
30 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
40 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
50 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs


Phase 1

Barbell Front Squats 5x5 ,1x10
Static barbell Back Lunges 10,8,6 (reps each leg)
Leg extensions 8,10,20 (Limit equipment – DB Goblet squat)

Phase 2

20’ E5MOM
Ski/Assault bike 20cal
Barbell Clean and press 8
Barbell Thrusters 8
Sumo high pull 8
T2B/GHD sit ups 14


Phase 1

Barbell Bench press 5x5, 1x10
Seated barbell shoulder press 12,10,8,6
Triceps skull crushers (flat bench) 6,8,10,12

Phase 2

1MIN:Row 12cal
2MIN:Ski 12cal
3MIN:Assault Bike 12cal

Phase 3

DB Hang clean 6
DB Push press 6
DB devil press 6
DB over Burpees 6
{George uses 17.5kg DBs}

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 15th May 2022



Phase 1

Leg extensions 15,12,10

Seated hamstring curls 15,12,10

Barbell squats 10,8,6,4,2

Walking barbell lunges 12,10,8 (each leg)

Phase 2

5 rounds 

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 8th May 2022



Pull - Phase 1

Barbell deadlifts 5,5,5,5,5

Weight pull ups 10,8,6,4

Seated prone DB rows 15,12,10

Seated Rear dumbbell flys 20,15,10

Single arm DB preacher curls 12,10,8 (each arm)

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 1st May 2022


LEGS - Phase 1
Leg extensions 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
Back Squat 8,6,4
RDL Barbell 8,6,4
Bulgarian split squats DB 6,8,10,(20 dropset) (each leg)
Phase 2
Goblet squats
Assault bike
DB Devil press



PUSH - Phase 1
Incline Bench press 10,8,6
Seated shoulder press machine 10,8,6
Flat DB chest press 10,8,6
DB front to Side raises 15,12,10
Cable over head Tricep extension 15,12,10
Dips 3x15
Phase 2
60 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet squats
50 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
40 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
30 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
20 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
10 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
(George used a 35kg db)




PULL - Phase 1
Weighted pull ups 8,6,4,2,1
DB rows 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
BB Pendlay rows 8,6,4,(20 dropset)
DB Rear flys 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
DB bicep preacher curls 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
Rest 2 mins
Phase 2
Assault bike
DB snatch
DB lunges
(35kg DBz)




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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 24th April 2022


I’m off to Ibiza this week!

My training will be changing up slightly. Over the past few months I took a step back from running frequently allowing my ankle to rest and recover from injuring it in January. Its taken so long to heal but having cryotherapy has worked wonders for inflammation and swelling. Now its finally stronger better way to get back into more running then in the ibiza Sun! Enjoy this week’s workouts guys!


Pull - Phase 1

Weighted pull ups - 4 sets max reps.

BB bent over rows - 12,10,8,6,4, 1 x max rep set.

Seated back row machine 12,10,8,6

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 28th November 2021

Follow Physique Academy online coach George Armstrong’s weekly workout:

Monday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Leg extensions 12,10,8,6
  • BB walking lunges 12,10,8 each leg
  • Lying hamstring curls 12,10,8,6
  • Seated calf raises 15,12,10,8
Phase 2:
  • EMOM’20
  • Min 1: 10 Front Squats
Min 2: 15 Toes to Bar
Min 3: 20 Wallballs
Min 4: Bike erg 16 cal
  • Min 5: rest 

Tuesday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Weighted pull ups 12,10,8,6
  • Single arm DB rows 15,12,10
  • Pendley rows 12,10,8,6
  • Alternating DB bicep curls 12,10,8
  • BB bicep curls 12,10,8,6
Phase 2:
  • Ski erg 
  • 20 cals under 1 min
  • Rest for 40 seconds 
  • x12 Rounds

Wednesday Workout

Phase 1:
  • BB bench press 10,8,6,4
  • Seated DB shoulder press 10,8,6,4
  • Weighted dips 12,10,8,6
  • Side to front DB shoulder raises 12,10,8,6
  • Ez bar Skull crushers 12,10,8,6
Phase 2:
  • Intervals (treadmill)
  • 8 x 1:30 minute 17km 
  • 2 x 2:30 minute 18km 
  • 1min rest between each round. 
  • If you can’t do the km speed lower yours.

Thursday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Squats,Deadlifts, Bench.
  • 10,8,6,4 for each exercise
Phase 2:
  • Two rounds for time of:
  • 24 reps Deadlifts 100kg
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallballs
  • 24 T2B
  • 24 reps Deadlifts 100kg
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
  • 24 Wallballs
  • 24 T2B

Friday Workout

Phase 1:
  • 24M’EMOM
  • 1:Row 20cal
  • 2:BB thrusters 10 (60kg)
  • 3:Pull ups 8
  • 4:Rest
Phase 2:
  • 5km Run

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 6th December 2021

Follow Physique Academy online coach George Armstrong’s weekly workout:

Monday Workout

Warm up:
  • 100cal bike erg
Phase 1:
  • BB deadlifts 10,8,6,4,2,50 (burn out 50 reps I managed 100kg none stop)
  • DB single arm rows 15,12,10
  • DB alternating bicep curls 15,12,10
Phase 2:
  • 50 cal row
  • 50 T2B
  • 50 DB deadlift


  • 40 cal row
  • 40 T2B
  • 40 Db deadlift


  • 30 cal row
  • 30 T2B
  • 30 Db deadlift


  • 20 cal row
  • 20 T2B
  • 20 Db deadlift


  • 10 cal row
  • 10 T2B
  • 10 db deadlift


  • As fast as possible. 25kg DBs

Tuesday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Leg extensions 8,10,20,30
  • BB front squats 10,8,6,4
  • BB Back squats 8,6,4
  • Standing calf raises 15,12,10
Phase 2:
  • 20’E5MOM
  • Row 20 cal
  • BB back lunges 20 (60kg)
  • Wallballs 20

Wednesday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Push press 10,8,6,4
  • Incline dumbbell chest press 10,8,6,4,20
  • Seated Arnold press 10,8,6,20
  • Seated Side dumbbell raises 12,10,8,6
  • Tricep cable push downs 15,12,10
Phase 2:
  • 7km run

Thursday Workout

Phase 1:
  • 12’M EMOM 
  • 1:Bike erg 16 cal
  • 2:Ski erg 16 cal
  • 3:Burpees 14
Phase 2:
  • You go I go (go with a partner. If not half the reps)
  • As fast as possible.
  • 50 cal row 
  • 50 Box overs
  • 50 Kettle bell goblet squats 25kg
  • 50 HSPU
  • 50 Deadlifts 100kg
  • 50 Pull ups
  • 50 cal row 
  • 50 Box overs 
  • 50 Kettle bell goblet squats 25kg
  • 50 HSPU
  • 50 Deadlifts 100kg
  • 50 Pull ups 

Friday Workout

Phase 1:
  • 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6
  • Sumo deadlift high pull 
  • Cal Row 
  • Bar over Burpees
  • T2B
Phase 2:
  • 15’EMOM
  • 1: Cable bicep curls 8
  • 2: Tricep cable push downs 8
  • 3: Press ups 15

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 12th December 2021

Follow Physique Academy online coach George Armstrong’s weekly workout:

Monday Workout

Phase 1:
  • BB Squats 8,6,4,20
  • BB Walking lunges 10,8,6,20(each leg)
  • Leg extensions 15,12,10,20
Phase 2:
  • 0’EMOM
  • 1MIN: BB power Cleans 8 (90kg)
  • 2MIN:Assullt bike 14

Tuesday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Bench press 5x5 1x30 (drop set 10,10,10)
  • Push press 3x3 1x30 (drop set 10,10,10)
  • Side raises 3x10 (1x30 (drop set 10,10,10)
  • DB Tricep skull crushers 3x12
Phase 2:
  • 20’EMOM
  • 1:Row 14 cal 
  • 2:Burpee’s over row 14 

Wednesday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Weighted Pull ups 10,8,6,4,(one max out set)
  • DB rows single arm 10,8,6,20
  • Standing Barbell bicep curls 12,10,8,20
  • Seated alternating bicep curls 12,10,8 (each arm)
Phase 2:
  • 5 rounds for time.
  • Row 20 cal 
  • DB Hang clean jerk 10 
  • DB over head lunges 50ft 
  • (DB 25kg)
  • Followed by a 7km run in the morning or at night

Thursday Workout

Phase 1
You-go-I-go / Compete with a partner. If your haven’t got a partner complete on your own but half the reps.
  • 100 cal assault bike
  • 100 power cleans 70kg
  • 100 box overs 
  • 100 wall balls 
  • 100 burpees
  • 100 pull ups 
  • 100 hrpu 
  • 100 T2B

  • 75 cal assault bike
  • 75 power cleans 80kg
  • 75 box overs
  • 75 wall balls 
  • 75 burpees
  • 75 pull ups 
  • 75 hrpu 
  • 75 T2B 

  • 50 cal assault bike
  • 50 power cleans 90kg
  • 50 box overs 
  • 50 wall balls 
  • 50 burpees
  • 50 pull ups 
  • 50 hrpu 
  • 50 T2B
Phase 2
  • 5km run. Easy pace. Heart rate 145-150bpm

Friday Workout

Phase 1:
  • Barbell squats 5x5
  • BB Bench press 5x5
  • BB Deadlifts 5x5
Phase 2:
  • 24M’EMOM 
  • 1:Tricep cable push downs 10
  • 2:Bicep cable curls 10
  • 3:Row 20cal
  • 4:T2B 14

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 19th December 2021



BB squats 8,6,4
Stiff leg dead’s 8,6,4

Rest 3 Mins

1:BB Squats 6 (70%)
2:Assault Run 16 cal
Rest 2mins

1:BB Back lunges 12
2:Assault Run 16 cal
Rest 2mins


BB DT (60kg
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push press
300m run
(As fast as possible)




Flat bench 3x3, 10,8,6,
Seated DB press 10,8,6
Side raises 15,12,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 6th February 2022



Todays workout was rough. Train with caution. The part 3 GIANTSET is one from our new signature program.

Part 1
Barbell 5x5

Part 2
Suicide squats /  4 rounds
Barbell xBW
5 front squats
7 Back squats
60 seconds rest each set.
Part 3
Gaint sets / 4 sets  
Leg extensions 15
Goblet squat 15
Bodyweight lunges 20
90second rest between rounds

Part 4
1:KB swings 16
2:Plate Burpee 14
3:Assault bike 14


Push -
Flat BB bench press 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
Push press 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
Incline DB chest press 10,8,6
Front cable raises 15,12,10
Tricep push downs 15,12,10
Dips 3x15

Phase 2

7km Run easy pace.


Pull -
Phase 1
BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,4,3,2,1
DB rows 15,12,10,8,30 drop set)
Seated rows 15,12,10,8,30 drop set)
Cable bicep curls 15,12,10,8,30 drop set)
Alternating DB curls 10,8,6,4 each arm

Phase 1
Head to head with a partner.
Complete as fast as possible.
Rest 2 minutes
Pull ups


Full body

Give this workout a try.
Go as fast as possible with your partner.

Part 1
Assault bike 50 cal
Box over burpee 75
BB push press 75
DB front squats 75
T2B 75
Rest 1 min

Part 2
Assault bike 50cal
Box overs 75
BB OH squat 75
DB clean and press 75
T2B 75
Rest 1 min

Part 3
Assault bike 50 cal
Box jumps 75
BB Thrusters 75
DB Devil press 75
T2B 75

50kg barbell  

Our times


Phase 1

BB Flat bench press 5x5,1xBW max reps
BB Deadlifts 5x5,1xBW max reps
BB Squats 5x5,1xBW max reps

Phase 2

15M Treadmill workout
“Climb to heaven”
Every minute increase the incline starting from 0 to 15. Every minute up the gradient.
Speed starts and stays on 10mph throughout.

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 27th December 2021


LEGS - Phase 1

Leg extensions 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
Back Squat 8,6,4
RDL Barbell 8,6,4
Bulgarian split squats DB 6,8,10,(20 dropset) (each leg)

Phase 2

Goblet squats
Assault bike 
DB Devil press 


PUSH - Phase 1

Incline Bench press 10,8,6
Seated shoulder press machine 10,8,6
Flat DB chest press 10,8,6
DB front to Side raises 15,12,10
Cable over head Tricep extension 15,12,10
Dips 3x15 

Phase 2

60 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet squats
50 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
40 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
30 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
20 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
10 cal Assault bike / Row
30 Goblet Squat
(George used a 35kg db)


PULL - Phase 1

Weighted pull ups 8,6,4,2,1
DB rows 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
BB Pendlay rows 8,6,4,(20 dropset)
DB Rear flys 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
DB bicep preacher curls 12,10,8,(20 dropset)
Rest 2 mins

Phase 2

Assault bike
DB snatch
DB lunges 
(35kg DBz)


Phase 1

100cal ski erg
35 DB push press 
35 DB Deadlift 
35 GHDs / T2B
70 single arm OH DB Squats
35 GHDs / T2B
35 DB Deadlift
35 DB push press 
100cal ski erg

Phase 2

5km run


Fundamentals - Phase 1 

Build up to find your 1rep max BB squat
Build up to find your 1rep max BB deadlift
Build up to find your 1rep max BB bench press

Phase 2

6 rounds
300m run
12 OH single arm lunges
12 DB snatch 
12 box jumps
(DB 20-30kg)

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 6th March 2022


Legs - Phase 1
BB squats 10,8,6,4
Leg press 8,10,20,30
BB Walking lunges 10,8,6 (each leg)
BB Stiff leg deadlifts 10,8,6

Phase 2
Gaint sets / 4 sets
Leg extensions 15
Goblet squat 15
Bodyweight jumping lunges 20
90second rest between rounds


Push Day - Phase 1
Flat BB bench press 5x5
Seated DB shoulder press 12,10,8,6
Weighted chest dips 10,8,6,4,
DB Side raises 30,25,20,15
Triceps cable push down 20,15,12,10,8 superset max press ups

Phase 2
1MIN:16 Box overs


Pull Day - Phase 1
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6,4
BB deadlifts 5x5
BB seal rows 12,10,8,6
Preacher bicep curls 15,12,10,8,30 dropset.
Alternating DB bicep curls 4 sets 10 each arm super set with max press ups burn out

Phase 2
Part 1
YGIG 150 cals on the ski erg
Every 60 seconds both perform 10 Pendlay rows
Rest 1min
Part 2
YGIG 150 cals on the ski erg
Every 60 seconds both perform 10 deadlifts @120kg
Rest 1min
Part 3
YGIG 150 cals on the ski erg
Every 60 seconds both perform 10 pull ups


Full body - Phase 1
BB Muscle cleans 6
BB Push press 6
BB Sumo high pull 6
Bar over burpees 12
T2B 14
Wall balls 20

Phase 2
Juicy Quad finisher
Target 250cal run
Every 90 seconds perform 8 Barbell squats @BW


Full body - Phase 1
5km Run
Phase 2
Part 1
120 reps of bench press @BW
Every 45 seconds
4 burpees
4 strict pull ups
Part 2
4 rounds
18 Toes to bar
8 DB hang power clean
8 DB Push press
8 Duel DB snatch
300m Run
(20-25kg DB(20-25kg DB

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 13th March 2022


Legs - Phase 1
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Wide stance barbell squats 10,8,6,4
Bulgarian split squats 3x12 each leg
BB Stiff leg deadlifts 10,8,6
Phase 2
1:American Kettlebell swings 16
2:Assault bike 14cal
3:Barbell thrusters 10 (50-60kg)
4:Plate burpee 10
Push - Phase 1
Flat BB bench press 5x5,(Bw max out reps set)
Seated db press 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
Incline DB chest press 10,8,6
Front cable raises 15,12,10
Barbell skull crushers 15,12,10,8 superset with
Triceps cable push downs 15,12,10
Phase 2
Ski erg
Toes to bar
Box overs
Pull - Phase 1
BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
DB single arm rows 12,10,8
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6
Straight arm cable pull downs 12,10,8
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8
Single arm preacher curls 15,12,10
Phase 2
Part 1
Compete against me
As fast as possible
1k row
Every 60 seconds complete
8 pull ups and 4 burpee
Part 2
As fast as possible
1k row
Every 60 seconds complete
8 Pendlay rows @bw
Phase 1
2.5km run sprint work as fast as possible.
Phase 2
5 rounds for time
Db snatch 12
Db over head squat 12
Db single arm devil press 12 6/6
300m run
(Db 20-25kg)
Assault bike
BB Muscle snatch (40-50kg)
Box overs
DB single arm clean and press (20-30kg
Burpees touch

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 20th March 2022

Push - Part 1
1.Incline dumbbell chest press 10,8,6,4
2.flat barbell bench press 10,8,6,4
3.Seated db shoulder press 10,8,6
4.Side to front db raises 12,10,8
5.Tricep cable push downs 15,12,10
Part 2 
5km run

Legs - Part 1
BB squats 10,8,6,4
Leg press 8,10,20,30
BB Walking lunges 10,8,6 (each leg)
Part 2
Full body sweat 
Scale down or up the weight if you want to.
Every 3 Minutes for 21 minutes, Complete:
BB Cleans 12 @60kg
Assault run 20cal (300m)
Rest 2 mins 
Part 3
Every 3 Minutes for 21 minutes, Complete:
BB push press 12 @60kg
Assault run 20cal (300m)
Part 1
Partner workout 
YGIG Rower 400cal total. 
Every 90 seconds on the Rower both complete a station. 

Part 2
1.Toes to bar 14
2.Pull ups 8
3.Box overs 14
4.Kettlebell swings 15 (20-25kg)
Time cap 35mins.
Pull day - Part 1
BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
DB single arm rows 12,10,8
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6
Straight arm cable pull downs 12,10,8
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8
Single arm preacher curls 15,12,10
Part 2 
7km run (hard pace)
Part 1
Perform 5 rounds each
Deadlifts 12
Hang cleans 9
Push press 6
Assault run 16cal
Alternate each round. 
(Weight 60kg barbell)
REST 2 mins
Part 2
Assault bike 
BB Cleans 60kg 
Toes to bar 
DB snatch 24kg

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 2nd January 2022


BB squats 10,8,6,4
Leg press 8,10,20,30
BB Walking lunges 10,8,6 (each leg)
BB Stiff leg deadlifts 10,8,6

5 rounds DB thrusters 10
DB hang power clean 8
DB push press 6
Duel DB snatch 4
300m run


Flat BB bench press 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
Push press 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
Incline DB chest press 10,8,6
Front cable raises 15,12,10
Tricep push downs 15,12,10Dips 3x15

Assault bike
BB Push press (60kg)
Bar over burpees
(As fast as possible)


BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,(20 drop set)
DB single arm rows 12,10,8
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6
Straight arm cable pull downs 12,10,8
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8
Single arm preacher curls 15,12,10

7km run


BB Muscle cleans 6
BB Push press 8
BB Sumo high pull 10
Bar over burpees 12
T2B 14

1MIN:DB biceps curls alternating 12
2MIN:DB skull crushers 12
3MIN:Press ups 10 & 6 burpees


Barbell front squats 5x5
Barbell flat bench press 5x5
Barbell pendlay rows 5x5

10 Dumbbell Snatches 24kg
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 Dumbbell Snatches 24kg
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
30 Dumbbell Snatches 24kg
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
40 Dumbbell Snatches 24kg
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
50 Dumbbell Snatches 24kg
15 Burpee Box Jump overs

