George Armstrong Weekly Workout 10th March 2024




Phase 1

1MIN: BB snatch @80%

Rest 3 mins.

1MIN: 2 BB thrusters @80%


Phase 2

3M’EMON - Every 3 mins for 30 mins complete.
D ball over shoulder 6 @55kg
Burpee over d ball 6
Pistol squat 6
Ghd 6
Assault bike 6cals

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 3rd March 2024




Phase 1


Bicep seated db curls 15,12,10
Tricep close grip bench press 15,12,10 drop set
Bicep preacher curl machine 15,12,10 drop set last set.
Tricep over head ez bar cable extensions 15,12,10 drop set last set.
Tricep cable push downs 15,12,15
Bicep Ez bar curls 15,12,10 drop set last set.
Push ups close stance 3x max out reps
Standing calves raises 20,20,20,15,15


Phase 2

1 min rest between each round.





Phase 1

6 Rounds - 4:00mON/2:00mREST
18cal assault bike
12 GHD sit ups
5 Burpee Box jump owners
Round 1/4: Max BB Push press @50kg
Round 2/5: Max BB Sumo high pull @50kg
Round 3/6: Max BB Squat cleans @50kg

Ps. Write your score down of max reps for each round.

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 18th February 2024




Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

Open workout
@22.5kg dumbbells
10 db snatches
15 Burpee box jump overs
20 db snatches
15 Burpee box jump overs
30 db snatches
15 Burpee box jump overs
40 db snatches
15 Burpee box jump overs
50 db snatches
15 Burpee box jump overs





Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

AMRAP in 20 minutes
6 Dumbbell Man Makers
7 Box Step Ups
@22.5kgs each dumbbell

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 11th February 2024




Legs - Phase 1

Leg extensions 15,12,10 (dropset on the last set)
Back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (dropset on the last set)
Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Standing calf raises. 20,15,15,10

Phase 2

Muay Thai
1 hour conditioning
1 Hour Cardio





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6 (dropset on the last set)
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8 (dropset on the last set)
Seated db side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep cable standing over head tricep extensions 20,15,10 (dropset on the last set)

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 4th February 2024




Legs - Phase 1

Leg extensions 15,12,10 (dropset on the last set)
Back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (dropset on the last set)
Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Standing calf raises. 20,15,15,10


Phase 2

Mhay Thai
1 hour conditioning.





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6 (dropset on the last set)
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8 (dropset on the last set)
Seated db side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep cable standing over head tricep extensions 20,15,10 (dropset on the last set)


Phase 2

6 rounds

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 28th January 2024




Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

Mhay Thai
1 hour conditioning





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Seated db side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 21st January 2024




Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

Rest 1:30m
Rest 1:30
Rest 1:30
Rest 1:30m





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 14th January 2024




Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

1min: Ski erg 15cal
2min: Rower 15cal
3min: Assault bike 15cal
4min: Rest

(Set a calorie target on your ability)
Beginner: 12cal
Intermediate: 15cal
Advanced: 16cal
Elite: 17cal





Push- Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

 In pairs complete for time
100 Assault bike calories
80 Toes to bar
60 Db Devil press single arm @32kg
40 Sand bag Box over burpee double box @40kg
20 Barbell Clean & Jerks @80kg

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 7th January 2024




Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

Every 3:00 x 6 Rounds
20cal assault bike
15 box jump overs
10 down ups





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

Every 7:00m x 5 rounds complete
500m Row
30 Wall balls
20 OH db Lunges @30kg




5 Rounds for time @40kg D ball
Assault bike 20 calories
D ball carry 50m
D ball lunges 10
D ball squats 10
D ball over shoulder 10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 31st December 2023




Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)


Phase 2

Kettlebell swings @28kg
Rower calories
Box step ups
Single arm Db snatch @20kg
Assault bike calories





0-2MIN: Rower 40cal
2-4MIN: Ski Erg 40cal
4-6MIN: Assault Bike 40cal





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 24th December 2023




Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated back row machine 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Ez bar curls 15,12,10,8
Db hammer curls 15,12,10,8 (each arm)


Phase 2

15 BB Thrusters
30 wall balls
500 meter rower
15 BB Clean & press
30 wall balls
500 meter rower
15 BB thrusters
30 db snatch
500 meter rower
15 BB Clean and press
30 db snatch
500 meter rower

Barbell @50kg
Dumbbell @22.5kg
Wall ball @6kg





Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Leg press 15,20,30,40
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 17th December 2023




Phase 1

Every min perform 2 BB muscle cleans @100kg
Rest 2 mins
Every min perform 2 BB thrusters @80kg


Arms - Phase 2

Bicep seated db curls 15,12,10
Tricep close grip bench press 15,12,10 drop set
Bicep preacher curl machine 15,12,10 drop set last set
Tricep over head ez bar cable extensions 15,12,10 drop set last set
Tricep cable push downs 15,12,15
Bicep Ez bar curls 15,12,10 drop set last set.—Push ups close stance 3x max out reps




10,000m Bike erg
Every 1000m perform...
14 ghds
14 barbell lunges @70kg




Mobility 1 hour
Phase 2
10km Run (zone 2)





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 10th December 2023




Weighted Running Workout
1km Run warm up (easy pace)
6 Rounds for time
400m Run
20 strict pull ups
20 Air squats
20 step ups
20 push ups

(Weighted vest 9kg)
Time cap 30 min





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 3rd December 2023




Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

Running Intervals
1km Run @5:00km pace
Rest 1min
1km Run @4:30km pace
Rest 1 min
1km Run @4:00km pace
Rest 1 min
1km Run @3:30km pace
Rest 2mins
1km Run @3:00km pace





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

Ski erg
1 min rest between each round

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 26th November 2023




Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

Buy in
5000m bike erg
5 Rounds for time.
5 Sand bag burpee over double box @50kg
10 facing handstand press
15 toes to bar
20 calorie row on
50m sand bag carry @50kg





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

5000m Rower
5 Rounds For time
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts @22.5kgs
9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
6 Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overheads
10 sand back to shoulder @50kg





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 19th November 2023




Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

1min: Ski erg 15cal
2min: Rower 15cal
3min: Assault bike 15cal
4min: Rest

(Set a calorie target on your ability)
Beginner: 12cal
Intermediate: 15cal
Advanced: 16cal
Elite: 17cal





Push- Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

 In pairs complete for time
100 Assault bike calories
80 Toes to bar
60 Db Devil press single arm @32kg
40 Sand bag Box over burpee double box @40kg
20 Barbell Clean & Jerks @80kg

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 12th November 2023




Phase 1

Strength & Power
Barbell Zombie squats 5,5,5,5, @50% - Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set.
Barbell Front + Back squats 9,9,9,9 (4 front squats & 5 back squats) Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Power cleans, every 90 seconds x 8 sets complete 2 reps @60-80% of your 1RM power clean, build up from 60% to 80% through the 8 sets
Barbell squat cleans, Every minute for 8 rounds complete 2 Barbell squat cleans @80% of your 1RM


Phase 2

In a pair complete
1000m row
1000m assault bike
20 ( synchro) line facing burpees
10 shuttle runs 500m (ygig)
50 toes to bar
20 clean and jerk 80kg
1000m row
1000m assault bike
20 (synchro) line facing burpees
10 shuttle runs 500m (ygig)
50 toes to bar
20 squat clean 80kg
1000n row
1000m assault bike
20 (synchro) line facing burpees
10 shuttle runs 500m (ygig)
50 toes to bar
20 BB front rack lunges 80kg





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)


Phase 2

5 Rounds
20cal Rower
15 box step overs
10 db snatch @34kg
5 BB deadlifts @140kg





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 5th November 2023




Phase 1

Strength & Power

Barbell Zombie squats 5,5,5,5, @50% - Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set.
Barbell Front + Back squats 9,9,9,9 (4 front squats & 5 back squats) Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Power cleans, every 90 seconds x 8 sets complete 2 reps @60-80% of your 1RM power clean, build up from 60% to 80% through the 8 sets
Barbell squat cleans, Every minute for 8 rounds complete 2 Barbell squat cleans @80% of your 1RM


Phase 2

6 Rounds
500m Run
12 BB deadlifts @50kg
9 BB hang cleans @50kg
6 BB push press @50kg
4 Burpee over bar
20 box overs 24’





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)


Phase 2

5km Run (Hard Pace)

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 29th October 2023




Phase 1

Strength & Power
Barbell Zombie squats 5,5,5,5, @50% - Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Front + Back squats 9,9,9,9 (4 front squats & 5 back squats) Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Power cleans, every 90 seconds x 8 sets complete 2 reps @60-80% of your 1RM power clean, build up from 60% to 80% through the 8 sets
Barbell squat cleans, Every minute for 8 rounds complete 2 Barbell squat cleans @80% of your 1RM


Phase 2

5 duel db devil press @22.5kg
10 chest to bar pull ups
15 calories assault bike

5 db box step overs @22.5kg
10 chest dips
15 calorie assault bike

5 duel db snatches @22.5kg
10 kettlebell swings @32kg
15 calorie assault bike





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 22nd October 2023




Phase 1

Strength & Power
Barbell Zombie squats 5,5,5,5, @50% - Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Front + Back squats 9,9,9,9 (4 front squats & 5 back squats) Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Power cleans, every 90 seconds x 8 sets complete 2 reps @60-80% of your 1RM power clean, build up from 60% to 80% through the 8 sets
Barbell squat cleans, Every minute for 8 rounds complete 2 Barbell squat cleans @80% of your 1RM





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)


Phase 2

5km Run (Race pace)





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

Toes to bar 10
Ghds 10
Burpee box jump overs 10
Assault bike 10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 15th October 2023




Phase 1

Strength & Power
Barbell Zombie squats 5,5,5,5, @50% - Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set.
Barbell Front + Back squats 9,9,9,9 (4 front squats & 5 back squats) Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Power cleans, every 90 seconds x 8 sets complete 2 reps @60-80% of your 1RM power clean, build up from 60% to 80% through the 8 sets
Barbell squat cleans, Every minute for 8 rounds complete 2 Barbell squat cleans @80% of your 1RM


Phase 2

For time:
800m Run
50 Toes to bar
50 DB front rack lunges 2x22.5kgs
800m Run





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)


Phase 2

250m run
12 dumbbell OH reverse lunges 1x30kg
8 down ups
(Work 1:1)
However long it takes you to do 1 round. Rest for the same time. Repeat for 15mins





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 8th October 2023




Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

Clean and press @60kg
Wall walks
Db duel devil press 20kgs





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)


Phase 2

3 rounds
400m run
21 KB swings
12 pull-ups
10 squat cleans @60kg





Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 1st October 2023




Phase 1

Strength & Power
Barbell Zombie squats 5,5,5,5, @50% - Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Front + Back squats 9,9,9,9 (4 front squats & 5 back squats) Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Power cleans, every 90 seconds x 8 sets complete 2 reps @60-80% of your 1RM power clean, build up from 60% to 80% through the 8 sets
Barbell squat cleans, Every minute for 8 rounds complete 2 Barbell squat cleans @80% of your 1RM


Phase 2

For time
bar muscle up
Wall walks
Duel dumbbell devil press @22.5kg


Phase 3

For time
Burpee D-ball get overs 48 inch box / 60kg
Barbel front squats 60kg





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)


Phase 2

100 box jump overs 24 inch
Directly onto
Power snatches @60kg
strict hand stand push ups

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 24th September 2023




Phase 1

Strength & Power
Barbell Zombie squats 5,5,5,5, @50% - Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set.
Barbell Front + Back squats 9,9,9,9 (4 front squats & 5 back squats) Tempo: 4s eccentric, 2s pause at the bottom. 60-90 seconds rest each set
Barbell Power cleans, every 90 seconds x 8 sets complete 2 reps @60-80% of your 1RM power clean, build up from 60% to 80% through the 8 sets
Barbell squat cleans, Every minute for 8 rounds complete 2 Barbell squat cleans @80% of your 1RM


Phase 2

30 calorie ski erg
20 pull ups
10 burpee box jump overs 24”

Rest 5 mins

3 rounds for time
400m run
21 wall balls
15 toes to bar

Rest 5 mins
3 rounds for time
10 Barbell power cleans @60kg
10 Barbell shoulder to overhead @60kg
10 Chest to bar

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George Armstrong Weekly Workout 17th September 2023




Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10


Phase 2

0-2MIN: 34cal rower
2-4MIN:32 box step ups
4-6MIN:30 Burpees





Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Barbell back squats 10,8,6
Smith machine Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 (each leg)


Phase 2

Burpee touch
Db Box step ups @22.5kgs
Pull ups





Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6
T bar row machine 12,10,8
Seated iso back row machine single arm 12,10,8
Close grip pull ups 3 x max reps
Rear machine flys 15,12,10
Db alternating curls 15,12,10 (each arm)
Db hammer curls 15,12,10 (each arm)

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