Training: The Importance of Training



Training results in a huge number of benefits. Training utilises a variety of functional movements; setting you up to lift heavier, move faster and go for longer, as well as decreasing your chance of injury. Your ability to move influences all aspects of your lifestyle, from the way you look and feel to how you perform.

There are many reasons to train. Some people care mostly about aesthetics, or how they look: they want to lose fat, gain muscle, and improve body composition. Other people train to get stronger, faster, or better at their sport and will prioritise performance. Another reason to train is for enjoyment or to live a healthier life. No matter the reason, fitness training will set you up to look and feel your best whilst potentially improving your health, strength, and performance.


Many people strive to improve their physique. They desire to develop their bodies to suit their aesthetic goals. This often requires training to build a bigger and stronger physique and can be done through a bodybuilding approach.

Bodybuilding involves developing your body through resistance training. In a similar way to an artist creating a sculpture using shaping techniques, a bodybuilder applies resistance to sculpt certain areas of their body to change their appearance.

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Client of the Month - Michael Teagle

Congratulations to our November client of the month, Michael Teagle. Michael has been training with Reece after reaching out to the Physique Academy wanting to improve his physical appearance, gain a better understanding of all elements of training and improve his overall health. Michael has achieved amazing results which have contributed to his lifestyle. Michael has put his full focus on his training program and the results show. He has dropped 31kg in the process and gained some serious muscle. This is just the end of phase 1, just wait until you see what’s at the end of Phase 2!

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I reached out to Physique Academy during the last week of December 2021 and officially joined the team the first week of January 2022. I’d say this is the point where EVERYTHING changed for me.

Why did you Join the Physique Academy?

I lacked accountability, direction and understanding of nutrition. There was an element of poor general health from mental well-being, muscular issues, heart burns and continuous headaches. For the record, I don’t experience any of these issues anymore.

What have you achieved both physically and personally since joining the academy?

Physically I am in the best shape of my life. I have an understanding and direction of my physique goals; I feel we have created a platform to grow in the gym and outside through the discipline and knowledge I have gained in the academy. My overall health and mental wellbeing have improved, in fact it’s off the charts! The mindset I have built through the journey has spilled into my personal life and I am more driven in setting goals and embracing gratitude.

What is your ultimate fitness goal?

At the start of my journey my goal was to become disciplined, create habits, lose some weight to improve my overall health and physique. As we have progressed through the academy, health remains the ultimate goal. I enjoy the feeling of talking to friends and family about my journey and perhaps this is something that turns a hobby and lifestyle into a new career path. My goal at this present moment is to continue to inspire and get a better understanding of nutrition.

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  476 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 13th November 2022




Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,{*20 rest pause set}
DB seated shoulder press 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Seated chest press machine 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Behind the head Tricep extensions 20,15,12,{*20 rest pause set}
Close stance push ups max reps x 5 sets.
{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}

Phase 2

Assault bike 
Toes to bar 
Wall balls (9kg)



Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,4
DB single arm rows 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6,4
Straight arm cable pull downs 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8 {*20 rest pause set}
Straight bar cable curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}

Phase 2

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air squats
1 mile run



Legs - Phase 1

BB Front squats 10,8,6,{*20 rest pause set}
Leg press 15,12,10, {*20 rest pause set}
Leg extensions (super-set) Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Walking BB lunges 15,12,10 (each leg)

Phase 2

1MIN:Barbell Sumo high pull 12 (50-60 kg)
2MIN:Burpee touch 16



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Physique Academy Philosophy: Training - Mindset - Nutrition



Our mission at Physique Academy is to provide you with the physical and mental tools, to overcome the setbacks and obstacles that life throws at you. This will allow you to discover what true greatness and potential lives within you.

The core philosophy of Physique Academy is to strive to help people become fitter and healthier both mentally and physically. Overall Physique Academy is focussed on helping you to become the best version of yourself; building better habits, discipline, and drive to overcome all obstacles in life. The best version of you will not only enable you to live the best life possible but will also allow you to provide the best life to the people around you.

Physique Academy was built on the foundations of mental health and physical health. There is huge importance in thinking positively, performing well, and looking good. Interior confidence is of equal importance to exterior confidence. Health requires a healthy body and a healthy mind. Therefore, at Physique Academy we see the importance of pursuing your greatest physical and mental ability.

Physique Academy prioritises creating a holistic approach to fitness - focussing on three key pillars: training, nutrition, and mindset. Together we seek to work hard to better ourselves internally and externally whilst helping others around us to make the world a better place.

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5 Tips On Starting Trail Running – Harry Armstrong


Trail running has been an integral part of my hybrid training routine. I ramp up the trail running around this time of year because I prefer the harsher conditions and the self-satisfaction of fighting the elements. I aim to get one 8-10mile trail run in every week. I personally run in a group, it pushes each and every one who attends to be there every week. Support systems come in all forms, and we started this group after identifying an element of fitness we wanted to try, and we loved it. Two years later and the Saturday morning trail runs are still going strong. It just shows what happens when you challenge yourself to trying something new.

The new terrain, tough climbs, beautiful views, and fast descents push a new type of running that adds a further element to my hybrid approach of training. If you want to start trail running here are my 5 tips to get started.

1. Wear the right footwear

You will experience all types of terrain on the trails, the footwear you need is completely different to road running. Tough, sturdy, and extra grip will help you through those muddy and slippy miles.

2. Take it easy on the climbs

These come steep and fast, and you don't want to gas out. Take your time, there will be a descent on the other side to catch your breath but control your breathing on the uphill, take into consideration the size of your strides and keep your focus on the top.

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  432 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 6th November 2022




Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,{*20 rest pause set}
DB seated shoulder press 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Seated chest press machine 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Behind the head Tricep extensions 20,15,12,{*20 rest pause set}
Close stance push ups max reps x 5 sets
{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}



Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,4
DB single arm rows 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6,4
Straight arm cable pull downs 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8 {*20 rest pause set}
Straight bar cable curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}

Phase 2

7km run (hard pace)



Legs - Phase 1

BB Front squats 10,8,6,{*20 rest pause set}
BB Front squats 10,8,6,{*20 rest pause set}
Leg press 15,12,10, {*20 rest pause set}
Leg extensions (super-set) Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Walking BB lunges 15,12,10 (each leg)


Weighted dips 10,8,6
Weighted ring pull ups 10,8,6
Incline Parallette should press 3 x max reps
Single arm dB rows 15,12,10
DB alternating bicep curls 3x12 each arm



4 Rounds

BB bench press 10 @100kg
Assault Bike 12cal
1 min rest after each round 

4 Rounds

BB squats 10 @100kg
Assault Bike 12cal
1 min rest after each around

4 Rounds

BB bent over rows @100kg
Assault Bike 12cal
1 min rest after each round

4 Rounds

Toes to rings 20
Assault Bike 12cal
1 min rest after each round

4 Rounds

Db Bicep curls superset tricep extensions 20 reps on each @15kgs
Assault Bike 12cal
1 min rest after each round

  293 Hits

Coach Spotlight - Kris Aldred


When did you start your fitness journey?

I started my fitness journey when I was 13/14 years old. This began by doing press ups and sit-ups in my room while also playing multiple sports for my school and doing martial arts outside. This ending up with me pursuing my sporting and physical development passion and doing a degree in sport and exercise science as well and a master degree in sport and exercise physiology before working with the general public and in elite progressional sport for over 10 years.

How has fitness helped you in other areas of your life?

Fitness has helped me massively in life the confidence you get from not only being strong but also being able to love well means that you feel you can face any challenge life throws at you. It could be DIY, it could be a 10k, it could be a parents running race at your kids school, it could be anything. Knowing you have that physical ability to perform is a winning feeling. 

What do you bring to the Physique Academy?

To physique academy I bring a range of skills. If you want to make those first steps in starting a fitness journey I can help. If you want to get lean or beach ready then let me know. If you have a sporting challenge or want to increase your athletic performance then lets get started. I’ve worked with countless people and athlete at all different stages of their journey. I’m here to help you reach your goals.

Why should people join the Physique Academy?

At Physique Academy we’re a team, you’ve not just got the expertise of one coach but all of them. We don’t believe that one way works for everyone so we use a tailored approach that suits each client. We don’t say no to you having social occasions, we educate you on how to fit your diet and training  around them while still achieving the goals you set out to achieve.

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  358 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 30th October 2022




Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,{*20 rest pause set}
DB seated shoulder press 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Seated chest press machine 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Behind the head Tricep extensions 20,15,12,{*20 rest pause set}
Close stance push ups max reps x 5 sets
{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}

Phase 2

5km run (hard pace) 



Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,4
DB single arm rows 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6,4
Straight arm cable pull downs 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8 {*20 rest pause set}
Straight bar cable curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}

Phase 2

7km run (hard pace)



Legs - Phase 1

BB Front squats 10,8,6,{*20 rest pause set}
Leg press 15,12,10, {*20 rest pause set}
Leg extensions (super-set) Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Walking BB lunges 15,12,10 (each leg)

Phase 2

8 rounds 
Sledge push 
50m push @100-150kgs 
45sec - 1 min rest between each round



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Client of the Month - Alex Adams


We caught up with our latest client of the month to learn more about his journey with Physique Academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

Congratulations to our October client of the month winner Alex Adams. Alex has proved that age is just a number as he starts phase 2 of his journey after losing 38lbs. Alex has been working hard with coach Jamie Gorse to achieve new levels of fitness and self-belief in his job, relationships, and confidence. He has truly shown dedication to his program, checking in each and every week, improving in all areas of fitness and wanting to educate himself on the philosophy of Physique Academy. Starting off, Alex identified that consistency is the area he lacked when it came to seeing progress, we targeted this with a routine that would keep training and nutrition exciting that enabled consistency to become second nature. Look where we are now.

Here is what Alex had to say about training with Jamie:

When do you join Physique Academy?

November 2021

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  932 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 23rd October 2022




Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,{*20 rest pause set}
DB seated shoulder press 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Seated chest press machine 12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Behind the head Tricep extensions 20,15,12,{*20 rest pause set}
Close stance push ups max reps x 5 sets

{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}

Phase 2

For Time
21-15-9 Rower
15-12-9 Burpees



Pull - Phase 1

BB Deadlifts 10,8,6,4
DB single arm rows 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6,4
Straight arm cable pull downs 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Ez bar bicep curls 12,10,8 {*20 rest pause set}
Straight bar cable curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}

{REST PAUSE SET *20 rep rest pause set. Complete 10 reps at a weight heavy as possible, rest for 5-10 seconds then perform another 5 reps. Then rest for another 5-10 seconds and then perform a final 5 reps. Keep the weight the same throughout the set}

Phase 2

7km run (hard pace)



Legs - Phase 1

BB Front squats 10,8,6,{*20 rest pause set}
BB Front squats 10,8,6,{*20 rest pause set}
Leg press 15,12,10, {*20 rest pause set}
Leg extensions (super-set) Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10,{*20 rest pause set}
Walking BB lunges 15,12,10 (each leg)

Phase 2

For time
21-15-9 Toes-to-Bar
15-12-9 Pull ups


For 40 minutes every 5 minutes complete
Burpee touch 6
Pull ups 6
Db ball to shoulder 6
Clean and press 6 @70kg
Toes to rings 16
Ski erg 16



Phase 1

In pairs complete
Assault bike
Barbell squats @100kg
Chest to bar pull ups  
Wall balls @9kg
Flat DB Chest press @40kg

Phase 2

5 rounds
Assault bike 10cal
Lying tricep db skull crushers 20 @12kgs
Db bicep curls 20 @12kgs

  497 Hits

6 Minute Killer Emom Conditioning Workout


Not enough time in your day to spend an hour at the gym?

Looking for a short but effective workout that is going to push your body to its limits?

In this video George takes you through a 16-minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) workout, which is great for conditioning. He has chosen four different exercises to be completed over four rounds in the time frame set. Each exercise needs to be completed within a minute, and the remainder of time in that minute is then used as a rest period.

EMOM is an intense form of HIIT that gets your heart pumping and body working at maximum effort with limited rest time.

Benefits of an EMOM workout include:

  • A powerful workout in a short amount of time
  • High calorie burner
  • A productive structure
  • Controlled rest period
  • Builds up your muscle and strength endurance


  • 1 Min – Wall balls 16 @ 9KG
  • 2 Min – Rower 16 calories
  • 3 Min – DB snatch 16 @ 22.5KG
  • 4 Min – Thrusters BB 10 @ 50 KG
  • Complete four times


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  492 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 16th October 2022




Legs - Phase 1

 Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Leg press 15,20,30,40
BB back squats 10,8,6,4
DB Bulgarian split squats 15,12,10 each leg

Phase 2

 Assault run / Treadmill 
6 rounds 
20cal sprints 
1 min rest after each round



Push - Phase 1

Flat db bench 10,8,6
Seated ISO shoulder press machine 12,10,8
Seated chest press machine 12,10,8
Cable single arm side raises 20,15,10
Weighted Tricep dips 12,10,8
Tricep behind the head extensions 20,15,10



Pull - Phase 1

Deadlifts 10,8,6,4
Seated back row machine 12,10,8,6
Weighted pull ups 10,8,6,4
Rear DB fly’s 15,12,10,8
Ez bar curls 15,12,10,8
Db hammer curls 15,12,10,8 (each arm)

Phase 2

5 rounds
15 burpee pull ups 
15 BB over head squats @50kgs
15 Toes to bar 
6 Wall walks
Db ball over shoulder 6 @40kg
Rest 1 min



Phase 1

7km run (easy pace)

Phase 2

8 rounds 
25cal rower 
5 pull ups 
10 push ups 
15 air squats
30 seconds rest


For 40 minutes every 5 minutes complete
BB Cleans 6
BB push press 6
BB front squats 6
BB clean and press 
Bar over burpees 6
Db ball over shoulder 6 @40kg
Ghds 14
Rower 16 cal

  440 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 9th October 2022




Phase 1

Calorie burner pump workout
5 rounds 
Every two minutes perform
BB bench press 10 @90-100kg
Assault bike 10cal (go hard)
3 mins rest 
5 rounds 
Every two minutes perform 
BB bent over rows 10 @90-100kg
Assault bike 10cal (go hard)
3 mins rest 
5 rounds 
Every two minutes perform 
Toe rings / toes to bar 16/18
Assault bike 10cal (go hard)

Phase 2

7k run



Assault bike
BB deadlifts @100kg  
DB bench press @30kgs
D ball over shoulder @30kg
Hand release press ups 
Box overs 


For 40 minutes every 5 minutes complete
BB Cleans 6
BB push press 6
BB front squats 6
BB deadlifts 6
Bar over burpees 6
Db ball to shoulder 6 @35kg
Toes to bar / rings 14
Assault bike 10



Push - Phase 1

BB flat bench 10,8,6,4
Seated DB shoulder press 12,10,8,6
Incline DB press 12,10,8,6
Side to front DB raises 12,10,8,6
Behind the head tricep cable extensions 20,15,12,10
DB skull crushers 15,12,10,8

Phase 2

20MIN AMRAP - 20 reps/cals
Assault run
DB Bicep curls @10kgs 
Push ups narrow 
Butterfly sit ups 
DB Side raises @8kgs 
As many rounds in 20mins as you can



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  344 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 2nd October 2022




Pull - Phase 1

Lat pull downs 12,10,8*
Barbell bent over rows 12,10,8
ISO back row machine 12,10,8*
Prone rear DB shoulder flys 20,15,10
Seated alternating DB bicep curls 15,12,10
Ez bar preacher curls 15,12,10*
(Ps. On the last set of every exercise with a (*) on it add a drop set. For example 8 reps drop in weight 8 reps)

Phase 2


1MIN:Ski erg 14
2MIN:Wall walks 6
3MIN:Toes to bar 14
4MIN:BB deadlifts 10 @bodyweight 



Push - Phase 1

BB flat bench 10,8,6,4
Seated DB shoulder press 12,10,8*
Incline DB press 12,10,8*
Side to front DB raises 12,10,8*
Weights Tricep dips 12,10,8
DB skull crushers 15,12,10
(Ps. On the last set of every exercise with a (*) on it add a drop set. For example 8 reps drop in weight 8 reps)

Phase 2

D ball over the shoulder @40kg
Toes to rings / Toes to bar
Barbell squats @80kg 



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I Almost Killed Mike Thurston!


I almost killed Mike Thurston - The HARDCORE Workout for You and Your Training Partner

"I like to train with someone who is more insane than me." said Mike Thurston, dripping with sweat and looking like he needed CPR.

We got together when I was in Ibiza, to train in disgusting 31 degrees celsius heat and filmed our workout for my latest YouTube video.

This is a perfect partner workout made much easier with support. You split the reps between you both so make sure you don't lose count!

Mike said this put more strain on his body than his usual weightlifting workouts and for good reason - it is HARDCORE.

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  2464 Hits

Client of the Month - Ben Wood


We caught up with our latest client of the month to learn more about his journey with Physique Academy.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

Ben jumped on board with Physique Academy due to feeling demotivated and not at his physical best throughout multiple lockdowns. He knew he needed to commit to something and make some positive changes.

The goals were clear from the start, although wanting to look his physical best, crossfit and conditioning work were a staple in Bens current regime. This allowed us to put a focus on performance, moving better and improving functionality.

Ben is now in the best shape of his life physically and feeling way more motivated and clear headed at work and home. In phase two, the goal is to now improve across all Olympic lifts now we have a few extra calories to play with take a look below to find out more about Ben’s Journey.

When did you join the Physique Academy?

I joined the Physique Academy in January 2022

Why did you join Physique Academy?

I always kept myself fit but never followed a program - I saw some of the transformations online and wanted to see if I could do the same.

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  433 Hits

George Armstrong Weekly Workout 25th September 2022




Pull Day - Phase 1

BB deadlifts 5x5
Single arm DB rows 15,15,15 
Ring pull ups 3xmax reps 
BB biceps curls 20,15,10
Single arm DB preach curls 15,12,10
Rest 5 mins

Phase 2

5 rounds
BB Thrusters 5
BB Front squats 5
BB Clean and press 5
BB Deadlifts 5
Bar over burpees 5
Ring toes to bar or GHDs 15
Assault bike 15 cal 
60 seconds rest 



Push Day - Phase 1

DB flat bench press 10,8,6
BB Military press 12,10,8
DB side raises 15,15,15
Cable tricep extensions 20,15,10

Phase 2


BALL WALKS 50m @40kg
GHD 15



Legs - Phase 1

Lying hamstring curls 15,12,10
Leg extensions 15,12,10
Leg press 15,12,10,8
BB back squats 10,8,6,4
Walking BB lunges 15,12,10 (each leg)

Phase 2

6 rounds 
Assault run 20cal
50m prowler @60kg
14 burpees
20 Hand release press ups
Rest 1 mins and repeat



Phase 1


6km run


Phase 2


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  321 Hits

Effective Way To Sustain Your Health Goals


Are you looking for an effective way to sustain your health goals?

Then meal prepping is for you.

What is meal prepping?

Meal prepping is the process of planning and preparing your food ahead of time.

Meal prepping doesn’t have to seem overwhelming and is made simple once you gain an understanding of what you are doing. It is a great way to stay on track, build physique and maximise performance. Other benefits include; saving you time, helping you to purchase only the necessary food you need (saving you money and minimising food waste) and assisting you to eat healthier.

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  310 Hits

Full Day Healthy Meal Prep


Think you haven't got time to cook healthy food that's going to help you lose fat, build muscle and feel amazing?

Let George show you how to prep 3000 calories of delicious food for a whole day in under 20 minutes.

Let George show you how to;

  • get a whopping 200g+ of protein into your daily diet
  • stop eating "boring as sh*t food" (as George says)how to not get bored by what you eat
  • his top tips for steak
  • what he eats for performance
  • and also laugh along as he forgets what a spatula is called! (He wouldn't - make it on Masterchef, put it that way!)


But I hate meal prepping - it takes ages!

Meal prepping doesn’t have to seem overwhelming and is made simple once you gain an understanding of what you are doing. It is a great way to stay on track, build physique and maximise performance. Other benefits include;

  • saving you time
  • keeping you organised
  • helping you to purchase only the necessary food you need (saving you - money and minimising food waste)
  • reducing decision fatigue so you don't have to rely on motivation assisting you to eat healthier


Of course you can treat yourself - let us show you how!

At Physique Academy we work on an 80/20 approach with nutrition which means 80% whole foods, 20% processed or a bit of a treat. We are not too strict with our meal plans because it is all about balance and being sustainable. This is proven to be beneficial through the results that our clients achieve.

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  633 Hits

Bodywork Workout


Are you feeling tired and fatigued after a busy week of training, work, or just general everyday life stuff?

Have you not got much time to go to the gym but still want to get a workout in?

Here’s a 30-minute quick body weight workout to do, ideal for conditioning. This Cindy workout – with burpees and running added – can be done from any location, saving you that travel time to and from the gym.

What is a Cindy workout?

This consists of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats to be completed for as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in a 20-minute time frame.

In this workout that George is talking through, he is going to push you that extra mile and add in some burpees and a short run to each round, taking the time frame up to 30 minutes.

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  318 Hits